FDI In Nuclear Power – Foreign MNCs To Takeover India’s Nuclear Energy Projects

FDI in Nuclear Power

Months after the cyberattack at Kudankulam where India’s Thorium research was targeted, the Indian government is contemplating to allow Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in nuclear power area. The decision, likely to be considered by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), would be a paradigm shift in India’s nuclear power policy, and subsequently open the gates for […]

From Andhra To Kashmir – Return Of East India Company

Return of East India Company

In the late 90s secret meetings took place in London where the blueprint for the ‘development’ of an entire Indian state was envisioned. Called Vision 2020, the scheme was the brainchild of an American consultancy firm born out of US military – McKinsey. It was supposed to be a role model and exported to other […]

Demonetization: Economists Or Fraudsters? S09

Round Tripping

At least now, post demonetization, do we have any fresh estimates of the Black Money in the country, or its rate of generation? This would have been a very interesting study to do. Why haven’t we seen it done? Around 1986 two professors, four readers and a few other management experts of the “prestigious” IIM […]