Is Gavin Newsom Running A Shadow Presidential Campaign?
Morris Fiorina, professor of political science and Hoover Institution fellow at Stanford University, said that Gavin Newsom is running a shadow presidential campaign in preparation for 2024. California Governor Gavin Newsom’s vetoes, international travel, and planned debate with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis amount to something like a covert presidential campaign. At least for this cycle, […]
Gavin Newsom To Allow Illegals To Police Americans As Cops
California Governor Gavin Newsom has implemented a new law that has raised concerns among American citizens. Gavin Newsom is set to allow illegals to police Americans as cops.
Gavin Newsom’s Wife Was Raped By Harvey Weinstein
Weinstein is accused with four charges of rape and seven other counts of sexual assault. Now, it’s been disclosed that Gavin Newsom’s wife was raped by Harvey Weinstein.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Law Allowing Human Bodies To Be Turned Into Garden Soil
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a law allowing human bodies to be turned into garden soil. The sale of this “soil” or the use of it to grow food for human consumption are not prohibited by the law.
The Rising Prince – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Son Paul Pelosi Jr Exposed
There has been a fair bit of ruckus surrounding Nancy Pelosi’s son who has gotten himself exposed quite recently. Concerns have been raised over his connections to the criminal underworld.