Europe’s Looming Coal Crisis

Europe’s Looming Coal Crisis

Poland’s government is embroiled in a political scandal for failing to increase the nation’s coal reserves. But Poland isn’t the only country that is facing a dreadful scenario, there is a looming coal crisis over all of Europe. For Poland and Germany in particular, a fuel shortage would be devastating.

Germany Considering Yearly Mask Mandate Between October To March

Germany Considering Yearly Mask Mandate Between October To March

In anticipation of yearly COVID waves, the German administration is taking into consideration a proposal that would mandate that people wear masks indoors every winter. Germany is seriously considering a yearly mask mandate between the months of October to March.

CIA’s Secret War For Germany

CIA's Secret War For Germany

The Central Intelligence Agency aggressively pursued clandestine efforts to undermine East German morale at the height of the Cold War, recently declassified CIA records confirm. Exploring one of the core chapters of post-war European history, the materials posted today by the National Security Archive detail key facets of the intelligence agency’s still meagerly documented activities in East Germany.

Why 40 African Countries Print Their Money In Europe Even Decades After Independence

Although reform is on the way with officials from The Gambia’s central bank suggesting a potential relationship with Nigeria, countries may begin to look internally for currency orders. But yet, the reason behind why 40 African countries print their money in UK, France and Germany even decades after independence is something worth looking into.

Ukrainian Refugees Refusing Free COVID Jabs From German Govt

The humanitarian catastrophe produced by Ukraine’s war could be a thorn in the side of German political elites wanting to push the coronavirus agenda forward. This concern takes roots from the fact that Ukrainian refugees are refusing free COVID jabs from German government.