Woke Hollywood Sinks Into Irrelevance After Multiple Box Office Failures

Taking Disney as an example, some argue that woke Hollywood has sunk into irrelevance after multiple box office failures. The formula for box office success these days seems rather simple – Produce a solid story with relatable and likable characters, and tell that story in a setting that makes sense with as few distractions and […]

Hollywood’s Secret Counterfeit Vaccine Network

Actual cards purloined from a hospital pharmacy where the vaccines were sold and included batch numbers but without names attached are used in Hollywood’s secret counterfeit vaccine network.

How CIA Recruited Ben Affleck – Unclassified Docs Reveal

The 2012 spy drama Argo, starring Ben Affleck and based on the real-life CIA operation to exfiltrate six embassy staff trapped in Tehran following the 1979 revolution, was a big publicity boost for the agency.
In late 2012 Ben Affleck was on the promotional circuit for Argo. Naturally, this led to questions about the CIA-Hollywood connection and, in one interview, Affleck commented “Probably Hollywood is full of CIA agents, and we just don’t know it.”

After Vaccine Passports For People, Now $12,000 COVID-19 Health Seal For Businesses

Celebrities like Lady Gaga and Robert De Niro are using Covid-19 to promote an expensive ‘health seal’ scheme that will certify your business location as COVID-19 feee. These celebrities are preaching people to buy this health seal that could cost you over $12,000 and which “does not guarantee that a space is safe or free from pathogens.”

Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust

Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust

A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal” by Indians, the streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with corpses as a direct […]

Black Cube – How Israeli Spy Agency Covered-up Weinstein Scandal

Black Cube - How Israeli Spy Agency covered-up Weinstein scandal

Black Cube was founded in Tel Aviv, in 2010, by veterans of a secret Israeli intelligence unit. Meir Dagan, the former director of Mossad, sat on the company’s advisory board until his death in 2016. Trained in psychological operations designed to manipulate a mark, this is how Black Cube – the Israeli Spy Agency covered-up […]