Ukraine Holding Indian Students Hostage In Kharkiv To Use Them As Human Shields

There have been several Indian students who have released recordings in which they claim to be mistreated by Ukrainian officials. This combined with the reports from Russian President Vladimir Putin that Ukraine have been holding Indian students hostage in Kharkiv to use them as human shields is quite alarming in the current scenario.

Why Should India Fight NATO’s War?

The West has bombarded India with practically everything they have in the last month, demanding that we participate in their war. But, Why should India, of all countries, fight in NATO’s war.

How COVID Vaccines Exposed India’s Adverse Events Reporting System

Adverse events are among the most heavily scrutinised parts of the covid-19 vaccine process. But India’s system was woefully unprepared for this, leaving families confused, sowing vaccine hesitancy in communities, while robbing the system of valuable data, reports Priyanka Pulla.