Huge Scam Exposed In The Purchase Of Diesel By Railways

According to railway sources, a huge scam in the purchase of diesel by the North East Frontier Railway has been exposed following an audit of HSD purchase. A routine preventive check by the Vigilance Department has exposed a huge scam in the purchase of High Speed Diesel (HSD) by the Indian Railways from national oil […]

Railways Explain Significance Of The ‘X’ Symbol Behind Last Train Coach

All of us have traveled in trains at some point in time. People who are keen observers notice a lot of things while traveling – the condition of the train, the services offered, the different kinds of passengers, and other things. Many passengers might have also noticed and wondered what the “X” symbol behind the last coach of the train actually meant. The Railways Ministry took to Twitter to explain the meaning of the same and many users were relieved to finally find an answer.

Chinese Firm Sues Indian Railways For Terminating Rs 471 Crore World Bank Project

Chinese Firm Sues Indian Railways

A controversial Chinese firm has sued Indian Railways for terminating a Rs 471 crore World Bank funded project. The move is in retaliation to Indian Railways canceling the construction contract of a Chinese company for a signalling and telecommunication project for the freight corridors. The company was held responsible for the third deadliest high-speed rail disaster in […]