Leaked Docs Reveal UK Funded Reuters, BBC, Bellingcat For Covert Regime Change In Russia To Topple Putin
According to the latest leaked documents, Reuters and BBC alongside Bellingcat and intel contractors took part in the UK FCO-funded program for bringing “attitudinal change” in Russia and weakening its influence – a covert regime change to topple Russian President Vladimir Putin.
What Is The Deep State
A new focus on the Deep State in undermining the national interests has become a serious thought for many citizens. Not known to many, the Deep State has is origin in the British Empire and how the Round Table infiltrated former British colonies (including India) through America. Last year, fuel was added to this fire […]
How Integrity Initiative Infiltrated America
Shortly after Donald Trump’s election, a UK-funded covert influence group proposed opening a new office in the US to train a “younger generation of Russia watchers” and “strengthen” America’s role in countering Moscow. Leaks show how Integrity Initiative infiltrated America and drafted US for the new Cold War. What is the Deep State CTD Advisors […]