Indian Army To Shutdown Officers Training Academy
The Ministry of Defence has cleared the Indian Army’s proposal to shutdown the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Gaya opened after the Kargil conflict in the hope that more youngsters would queue up to join the Armed Forces. But with few takers owing to a failure to attract youngsters, the OTA had been functioning under-utilised. […]
The Kashmir Conflict: An Anglo-American Operation
The Kashmir conflict, an Anglo-American operation against India provides the culminating illustration of the hostility between India and Pakistan and the determination to satisfy their imperialistic ambition to rule over the entire sub-continent once again by the use of modern military forces with generous defense support by the Anglo-American bloc under the trusteeship of the […]
From Leader Of Non Aligned Movement To Lapdog Of The West
From the Leader of the Non-Aligned Movement to the lapdog of the West – this is the story of India’s descent into Slavery – post-Independence. Whoever controls Trincomalee controls the entire Indian oceans – Bonaparte Napoleon But where is India in this Napoleonic Calculus? – Descartes They seem to be evolving from British Corporate Press-titutes […]
Are Indians Donkeys Or Rats Or Thieves of Carla Hills? Fingerprint The Thieves! S05
A US Trade Official, Carla Hills, had once triggered a massive outrage by calling Indians thieves and criminals. So, are Indians the Thieves of Carla Hills, the Thieves of the Bhagavad Gita or Unique Indian Donkeys of the UID Aadhaar project, or as the author of Mein Kampf would say — are we Rats following […]