Here Is Why Subhas Chandra Bose Wanted Jinnah To Be First PM Of India
Subhas Chandra Bose wanted Jinnah to be the first PM of independent India if he gave up the demand for Pakistan. Jinnah had to surmount stiff opposition from the Indian National Congress (hereafter referred to also as the Congress Party, the Congress or the INC), which was then the biggest political party in India, a […]
Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust
A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal” by Indians, the streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with corpses as a direct […]
From Indian Economic Miracle to Anglo-American Economic Miracle. S10
With Russia slipping out of their hands, the eyes were set on an unfathomably resource-rich country, which even after thousand years of non-stop plunder and looting still captures the imagination of one and all, thugs, thieves and robber-barons alike with her yet-unknown massive economic resources potential — that country is India. What we call the […]
Does The East India Company Still Exist?
This excerpt from our exclusive East India Company Series article titled Noble Motives focuses on the puzzle of the disappearance of the EICs and their reemergence as modern day MNCs (Multi National Corporations). The East India Company (the “Company“) was one of the institutions created as a product of the Venetian Merchants takeover of England’s commerce. In England it was […]
The Heroic Saga: The Escape, Exile & Death Of Bose
Finally, the truth about Bose’s communication with his family till 1949 and a partial truth about his survival post 1949, is out because of the courageous act of the family members of Subhas Chandra Bose. Though after a couple of broadcasts over television networks, this particular ‘news’ was redacted, may be due to the political […]
Mahatma Gandhi Assassination Mystery
Since the the publication of our research into Mahatma Gandhi assassination there has been a great interest among people into opening a fresh investigation into the matter. A petition has also been filed in the Supreme Court raising questions about the shoddy investigation done into Gandhi’s murder demanding to constitute a new commission of inquiry. We […]