Gangaputra Nigamananda: Murder Or Suicide

Nigamananda started fasting at Matri Sadan in Haridwar on 19th February 2011 that prolonged for 115 days before his death on 13th June at the Himalayan Hospital, Jolly Grant. This was one of the most controversial deaths of that year in the media.

The Story Of Sadhvi Padmavati And The Gangaputras Who Died For River Ganga

This investigation into the series of fasting for the holy Ganga at the outskirts of Haridwar in the state of Uttarakhand by the bunch of socio-political activists is required before the analysis of political psychology that deals with perception of the top modern guru and inception of Matri Sadan, a kind of the suicide club in modern India.

The Myths of Anshan for Ganga

Village girl Sulekha’s new incarnation of that of Sadavi Padmavati of Matri Sadan, has a huge cost associated with it: Neither she could go for Samsara, nor she can aspire for Nirvana. The wheel chair that is her sole companion amidst the descending gloom from all sides.