How Old Are The Dunes? Researchers Reveal Age Of Earth’s Largest Sand Sea

How Old Are The Dunes? Researchers Reveal Age Of Earth's Largest Sand Sea 1

According to research published in the journal Nature by Professors Geoff Duller and Charles Bristow of Birkbeck University in London, Morocco’s Lala Lallia Sand dune dates back to 13,000 years. Despite their unusual formations, star or pyramid dunes can be found in Africa, Asia, North America, and even Mars. Until recently, however, scientists were unable […]

Killer Whales Have Learned How To Sink Yachts Off Gibraltar

Killer whales have allegedly been taught how to sink yachts off Gibraltar by a female orca named White Gladis, who is believed to be seeking revenge after experiencing trauma from a boat collision or entanglement in illegal fishing nets. A vengeful killer whale called Gladis is teaching gangs of orcas to attack yachts around Gibraltar, and has […]