Mountains 3 To 4 Times Larger Than Everest Found Near Earth’s Core

Using seismology centers in Antarctica, experts have discovered mountains near Earth’s core that are 3 to 4 times larger than Everest. Mountains with peaks three to four times higher than Mount Everest have been discovered deep inside the Earth, scientists said. Using seismology centres in Antarctica, experts found these astonishingly huge “mountains” in the boundary between […]

Why Does Mount Everest Make Seriously Terrifying Sounds At Night?

According to, glaciologist Evgeny Podolskiy and his team of researchers have discovered the reason why Mount Everest makes seriously terrifying sounds at night. The sounds are caused by significant dips in temperature after dusk, which cause ice to shatter. Breathtaking Mount Everest has captivated scientists and mountaineers for many years. However, one of its […]