How Russia Will Bypass Western Economic Warfare

So a congregation of NATO’s top brass ensconced in their echo chambers target the Russian Central Bank with sanctions and expect what? Cookies?
Here Is How NATO Expansion Led To Russia Ukraine Conflict

“After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a near universal understanding among political leaders that NATO expansion would be a foolish provocation against Russia. How naive we were to think the military-industrial complex would allow such sanity to prevail.”
How US Orchestrated Russia Ukraine War

By tying itself to a reckless and dangerous America, the Ukrainians made a blunder that client states will study for years to come.
Timeline Of Russian Military Attack On Ukraine

Moscow stated that it was compelled to use military force after Ukraine’s civil war in the east ceased to be resolved through negotiation. The timeline of the Russian attack on Ukraine shows why and how.
Putin Warns Russia Will Go To War With France If Ukraine Joins NATO

Putin warns that Russia will go to war with France if Ukraine joins NATO. According to Putin, a Ukrainian assault on Crimea might spark Article 5 of NATO’s founding agreement, drawing the whole of Europe into a war against Russia.
NATO’s Cognitive Warfare – How Western Militaries Are Waging A Battle For Your Brain

Western governments in the NATO military alliance are developing tactics of “cognitive warfare,” using the supposed threats of China and Russia to justify waging a “battle for your brain” in the “human domain,” to “make everyone a weapon.”
10 Secret Files Exposing The True Nature Of Afghan War

WikiLeaks has been republishing a few of its more interesting leaks related to the past Afghan war logs, a vast drove of classified US documents which first hit public view over a decade ago. Below are 10 secret files exposing the true nature of the Afghan war.
How Russians Are Engaged With Weather Modification HAARP War With NATO In The North Sea

The famous or notorious HAARP does not exist anymore. Nobody is anymore inside its installations, the roads leading to it are blocked, the buildings are locked and the generators are out of service. The once nervous guards on the front gate of the establishment are no longer there. A station that cost just over $290 million and was home to countless scientific experiments for over two decades has closed.
Russian Professor Valery Golubkin Arrested For Leaking Top Secret Hypersonic Plane Files To NATO

A senior professor at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Valery Golubkin, has been accused of sharing classified information to a NATO country and locked up for betrayal. He was arrested for leaking top secret documents related to Russia’s hypersonic plane to an unspecified NATO country.
British Govt Recruited Comedians & Youtubers For Secret PsyOps Campaign Targeting NATO Members

The mainstream media has totally blacked out the crucial story about the recents leaks by hacktivist Anonymous that exposed the British government’s massive campaign to infiltrate civil society at every level where they recruited Comedians and Youtubers for secret psyops campaign targeting NATO members.