Now Taiwan Suspends 2nd Doses Of Pfizer Vaccine For Children Over Risk Of Heart Inflammation
The Taiwanese health authorities have suspended the administering of second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine for children aged between 12 and 17, citing concerns about an increased risk of heart inflammation.
Whistleblower Exposes Fake Data Behind Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Trial
Leading medical journal The BMJ has published an incendiary report exposing faked data, blind trial failures, poorly trained vaccinators, and a slow follow-up on adverse reactions in the phase-three trial of Pfizer’s Covid jab.
“It’s As If Pfizer Would Ask United States To Put Grand Canyon As Collateral” – Secret Vaccine Contracts
The rapid proliferation of the vaccine, under Pfizer’s secret contracts negotiated between the company and governments, has unfolded behind a veil of strict secrecy, allowing for little public scrutiny of Pfizer’s burgeoning power. The secret COVID vaccine contracts expose how Pfizer is only worried about maximizing profits and not your health. “It’s almost as if the company would ask the United States to put the Grand Canyon as collateral,” said a professor.
Pfizer Told Scientists To Coverup Use Of Aborted Human Fetal Tissues In Making Vaccines Says Whistleblower
According to a whistleblower, Pfizer told scientists to cover-up the use of aborted fetal tissues in making vaccines. Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues with the public.
Pfizer Is Run By Covid Money Now Says Whistleblower Scientist
According to the whistleblower scientists, Pfizer is run by COVID money now and that ‘Your Antibodies are Probably Better than the Vaccination’.
How Moderna Vaccine Ruined The Career Of A Future Detective With Two Massive Blood Clots On Her Lungs
Champion show jumper, 22, who suffered extremely reaction to Moderna vaccine may never ride again as two massive blood clots formed on her lungs after she had Covid jab. This is how the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine ruined the career of a future detective with two massive blood clots on her lungs.
Inquiry Launched Into Secret Talks Between Pfizer And EU Commission Chief For Sale Of Vaccines
An inquiry has been launched into the secret talks that took place between EU Commission Chief and Pfizer CEO for the sale of vaccines.
COVID Vaccines Contaminated With Stainless Steel And Rubber Fragments Are Killing People In Japan
According to numerous reports, COVID vaccines found to be contaminated with stainless steel and rubber fragments are killing people in Japan. Pink, white and black substances were found floating in the vials.
Second Breastfeeding Baby Dies Of Blood Clots And Inflamed Arteries After Mother’s Pfizer Shot As Per VAERS
According to VAERS data a breastfeeding baby died of blood clots and inflamed arteries weeks after his mother was given the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The case is the second known account of a breastfeeding baby dying of blood clots from vaccine.
Australian Journalist Denham Hitchcock Shares Horrific Pfizer Vaccine Side Effect From Hospital Bed
A double vaccinated Australian journalist Denham Hitchcock has shared his horrific side-effect weeks after the Pfizer COVID-19 shot from his hospital bed.