See The Precious Artifacts Unearthed At A Giant Roman Necropolis In France
Among the most striking discoveries at the giant Roman necropolis in France, formerly known as Narbo Martius, are a marble ossuary chest, a marble altar bearing the name Tulia Flavina, a collection of glass perfume vials—often employed in Roman funerary rituals—and a lead pottery cup adorned with reliefs of skeletons. In the southern French region […]
How Did Cleopatra Die
We might never know for sure how Cleopatra died, as the majority of the story is still a mystery. Cleopatra VII, the Egyptian pharaoh, barricaded herself within a tomb she had constructed on the grounds of her Alexandrian palace on an August day in 30 B.C. The Queen of the Nile then sent for a […]
Ancient Underwater Temple Found Off Coast Of Naples – Report
According to a report by Ancient Origins, an ancient underwater temple dedicated to the god Dushara has been found off the coast of Naples. It is believed to date back to a time when Nabataean people lived in the Phlegrean Peninsula. Archaeologists from two universities in Naples, Italy found the remains of an ancient temple submerged in […]
Boris Johnson Wants To Recreate The Roman Empire
Boris Johnson desires a political union that includes not only the EU but also the former realm of the Roman Empire. This essentially renders Boris Johnson’s dream as him wanting to recreate the entire roman empire.
The Helots Of India – Between Slavery & Freedom
This excerpt from The Hunt For The Treasure Of Vijayanagara Empire details the tragic situation of the tribals in India akin to the Helots – a derogatory term used by the Romans to indicate non-Romans in their country, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens. Liberalization and Privatization were the tools of the mercantile world in the […]
Displacement, Depopulation & Destruction Of Third World Geo-Economics
Since the advent of the Roman Empire there were continuous attempts to grab resources from other regions. The most favourable method followed was to kill everybody whom they did not like. This policy was sanctified when the papal bull Inter Caetera was issued in 1493. In its wildest sense it was interpreted by its followers […]