Inside Silicon Valley Sex Parties
Sex parties are not uncommon among a certain sector of tech executives and entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. After it was revealed that Bob Lee — the tragically murdered founder of Cash App — reportedly indulged in “underground sex [and] drug parties,” sources said that he was just one of many Silicon Valley types to take part in a free-wheeling […]
How Silicon Valley Corporations Are Taking Control Of History
Twitter has imposed a weeklong suspension on the account of writer and political activist Danny Haiphong for a thread he made on the platform disputing the mainstream Tiananmen Square massacre narrative.
Russia’s Skolkovo Espionage Operation – How Kremlin Gained Access To Silicon Valley Secrets
Skolkovo was perhaps the Kremlin’s boldest maneuver yet. Envious of America’s technological success, the Russians sought to re-create the West Coast high-tech industrial hub in the suburbs of Moscow. But unlike the bottom-up innovation that defines Silicon Valley, where computer geniuses pinched their pennies and built the first personal computers in their garages, Skolkovo was […]
The End Of India’s IT Boom-Bust Cycle
India has always been a vast and virtually unlimited resource base, both human and natural, providing for the economic engine of all countries in the world. This is true in both the sense and the spirit of the word. Despite this fact, in India it-self there has been a serious under-utilisation of natural resources, and […]