China Tests Hypersonic Space Plane Which Can Go At Speed Of Mach 30

china hypersonic space plane

The Chinese government has recently made public a video showcasing what they claim to be the world’s most potent wind tunnel. This footage displays a scale separation test of an air-launched space plane design from a mothership aircraft. Additionally, the video features the high-speed oblique detonation wave engine, also known as a scramjet, which powers […]

Water On Earth Did Not Form On Its Own. It Was Sucked From Space

A study published in the journal Nature has revealed that water on Earth did not form on its own but was instead acquired from outer space. Scientists have made a surprising discovery that suggests the Earth might have formed more quickly than previously believed. It appears that tiny millimeter-sized pebbles coming together could have led […]


The UK Civil Aviation Authority is funding a project that is studying the effects of suborbital space flights, so a two-hour flight from London to Sydney via space might be possible soon. Holidaymakers will be able to fly from London to Sydney in as little as two hours within ten years – but they will have to go through […]

Space Junk From Chinese Rocket Narrowly Miss Hitting New York City

Space Junk From Chinese Rocket Narrowly Miss Hitting New York City

Chunks of the massive Chinese rocket that recently took an uncontrolled plunge back into the Earth’s atmosphere narrowly missed hitting New York City. A bit of the spacecraft about the size of a small bus splashed into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of West Africa. Some of the space junk also appeared to have […]

NASA’s Orbital Debris Mitigation Strategy Against India’s National Security Interests

Orbital Debris Mitigation Strategy

India is about to sign the nearly two-decade-old U.S. Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices (ODMSP) or Orbital Debris  Mitigation Strategy which attempts to address the threat posed by space junk to a growing, more diverse space economy as well as science and technology development. However, experts believe the space junk agreement maybe against India’s […]