The British Government Has Begun Paying $140,000 For COVID-19 Vaccine Damage Victims

Vaccine damage victims will get compensation from the British government in the amount of up to £120,000, or roughly $141,000 tax-free.
Half Of UK Households Will Be In Fuel Poverty By January

Since it purchases gas from the EU, the UK is still susceptible to the consequences of EU’s political activity even after Brexit. This has led to the projection that half of the UK households is set to be in a fuel poverty by January.
The Tyranny Of Coronaphobia

I’ve had two big worries during the pandemic, starting from the very beginning and still ongoing. Both relate to my sense that ‘coronaphobia’ has taken over as the basis of government policy in so many countries, with a complete loss of perspective that life is a balance of risks pretty much on a daily basis.
Prince Charles Took Bin Laden Family’s Money

A report in the Times said Prince Charles took the Bin Laden family’s money but noted that there is no evidence to imply that Bakr or Shafiq bin Laden have ever funded or participated in terrorism.
UK Refuses To Give Venezuela $1 Billion Of Its Own Gold

UK has refused to give Venezuela $1 billion of its own gold. President Nicolas Maduro’s attempt to recover his own country’s assets was rejected by the top court in Britain.
Boris Johnson Resigns As Prime Minister After Government Collapses

Boris Johnson resigns as Prime Minister after the government collapses. BoJo will leave behind a country that is beset by political and economic uncertainty, shaken by scandal after scandal.
How The UK Is Orchestrating A Global Food Crisis

A new article from the Telegraph explains how the UK is orchestrating a global food crisis by asserting that Russia is preventing Ukraine’s food supply from leaving its Black Sea ports.
Polio Virus Resurfaces In London After 40 Years

The UK Health Security Agency has issued a warning that the polio virus has resurfaced and may be spreading in London after it was declared eradicated 40 years ago.
UK Approves Julian Assange’s Extradition To The US Over Spying Charges

Julian Assange, the publisher of Wikileaks who has been confined in a London prison since 2019, will now have 14 days to challenge the Home Secretary’s order before being extradited to the United States to face espionage charges.
Rise In Mysterious Needle Attacks In Nightclubs Across Europe

Many countries across Europe, like the UK and France, have reported a rise in mysterious needle attacks in nightclubs.