Ukraine Identifying Dead Russian Soldiers With Facial Recognition Tech To Send Photos Of Corpses To Their Mothers
Inside the 50 days since Moscow’s operation started, Ukrainian authorities have conducted over 8,600 facial recognition lookups on dead or captured Russian soldiers. Using the scan results to distinguish bodies, Ukraine is sending photos of corpses to their mothers in what could be one of the most grotesque implementations of the innovation to date.
“Buy Me A Fighter Jet” – Ukraine Air Force Crowdfunds A Jet
Raising funds through cash or in-kind gifts from citizens to pay for military equipment is nothing new. But the request of “buy me a fighter jet” made by Ukraine air force for purposes of crowdfunding a jet is unconventional.
Americans Are “In Charge” Of The War Says French Journalist Who Returned From Ukraine
Both the US and the UK have openly stated that there will be no “boots on the ground” in Ukraine. However, according to a French journalist who returned from Ukraine, the Americans are “in charge” of the war.
Did Canada Train Ukraine Neo Nazis?
Although the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have rejected supplying instruction to members of Ukraine’s fascist militias on numerous occasions, a few images have surfaced casting doubt on this prospect. This begs the question, did Canada train Ukraine neo nazis?
EU Is Now Military Arm Of NATO
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says that EU has changed its stance toward Russia because of western countries and is now acting as the military arm of NATO.
How The US And UK Are Conducting A Secret War In Ukraine
New information from a source in the French intelligence explains how the US and UK are conducting a secret war in Ukraine using elite SAS and Deltas units.
How US Military Created COVID-19
The study, “MSH3 homology and potential recombination link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site,” (read below) published in Frontiers on February 21, 2022, identified that a tiny snippet of code in Covid is identical to part of a gene patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic. Scientists claim that there is a one-in-three-trillion chance that Moderna’s sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.
Ukraine War Is Meant To Stop US World Domination Says Russia’s Top Diplomat
A top diplomat from Russia said that US did not treat other powerful countries like Russia as equals and that the Ukraine war is meant to stop US world domination.
Why The Minsk Agreements Failed To Stop Genocide Of Donbass
The Minsk Peace Agreements were the only way to seek a long-term diplomatic solution to the Donbass conflict in the winter of 2015. Why did the agreements have to be made? What were the primary points they made? Who was to blame for the Minsk Agreement’s failure to stop the genocide of Donbass and secure peace?
How Ukraine Textbooks Teach Young Children to Hate Russians
The psychological warfare front in Ukraine was opened decades ago, but the distortion of history became a key strategy after the 2014 Maidan coup. Western consultants distributed budgets in a diversified manner. Information strategies directed at children became a key focus of their work, regardless of the harm caused to children’s psyche.