Ukrainian Refugees Refusing Free COVID Jabs From German Govt

The humanitarian catastrophe produced by Ukraine’s war could be a thorn in the side of German political elites wanting to push the coronavirus agenda forward. This concern takes roots from the fact that Ukrainian refugees are refusing free COVID jabs from German government.

How Ukraine Crisis Accelerates The Great Reset

Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, has been dreaming of a “Great Reset” of the global system. He has argued that Covid-19 and the climate crisis showed that no country is an island and that more global coordination in every domain is required.

Russian Assassination Squads Hunt Zelensky

The Kremlin has disputed US media claims that Russia had compiled a list of Ukrainians to kidnap or murder in the event of a conflict. But it would appear that currently, a few Russian assassination squads are hunting Zelensky.

Here’s Pentagon’s Version Of Ukraine Biolabs

The official narrative around the biolabs is that policymakers in the United States became concerned about the possibility of terrorists stealing biological materials. Here we take a full look into Pentagon’s version of Ukraine biolabs.