Has The US Army Really Created The Super COVID Killer Vaccine?

Wild headlines are emerging throughout TV and in the press about a “super COVID vaccine” developed by the US Department of Defense against COVID-19 that promises to be a “pan-coronavirus” treatment for all variants of the virus, the current and future ones. There’s no lack of hyped claims surrounding the supposed super jab, but to date, there has been no evidence presented.

Now The Double Vaccinated Are A Threat To The Triple Vaccinated

One of the top doctors in Ontario has warned that the double vaccinated are a threat to the triple vaccinated and advises those who haven’t yet received the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine against celebrating with their elderly loved ones. This comes in correlation with the outbreak of the new Omicron variant, and it effectively throws off quite a few family plans for people who had hoped to get together.

Man Takes 10 COVID Vaccine Shots In Single Day

A man got vaccinated 10 times against Covid-19 in single day. He got vaccinated on behalf of other people and has been called “unbelievably selfish”. It is still not clear where this incident took place in the New Zealand.

77% Of Those Tested Covid Positive In Chandigarh Were Fully Vaccinated

As per the data shared by the Chandigarh health authorities, around 77% of the new cases of Covid reported from the city in November were fully vaccinated. Out of the cases that were fully vaccinated and tested COVID-19 positive, only 10% of them, including patients with comorbidities, required hospitalisation.