“It’s As If Pfizer Would Ask United States To Put Grand Canyon As Collateral” – Secret Vaccine Contracts

The rapid proliferation of the vaccine, under Pfizer’s secret contracts negotiated between the company and governments, has unfolded behind a veil of strict secrecy, allowing for little public scrutiny of Pfizer’s burgeoning power. The secret COVID vaccine contracts expose how Pfizer is only worried about maximizing profits and not your health. “It’s almost as if the company would ask the United States to put the Grand Canyon as collateral,” said a professor.

“I Blame Myself For Vaccinating My Wife”

A father of five daughters says, “I still curse myself for persuading my wife to take the vaccine. I thought it would save us from the virus but it killed her.” He says after the death of his wife no one in the family and even the neighbors are willing to take the COVID vaccine.

Reporter Allison Williams Quits ESPN Over COVID Vaccine Mandate

Reporter Allison Williams is leaving ESPN over COVID-19 vaccine mandate, says “I am so morally and ethically not aligned with this.” Recently, a Senior Australian Police Sergeant quit her job after refusing to enforce Orwellian COVID rules. Wearing her dark-blue uniform in a bombshell interview she revealed that she had been “troubled” by how police resources have been applied during the pandemic by state authorities.