Did Mass Vaccination Cause Second Mutant COVID-19 Wave In India?
India saw nearly 750% increase in COVID-19 cases in less than a month. Was this spike logical? Did the state or the city of Mumbai do something different to invite this sudden surge? The next stop for this mutant was Delhi, the national capital. Is this new double mutant very particular and choosy on where it strikes? It does appear it is; otherwise, why should it jump from Mumbai to Delhi and then Bengaluru bypassing many other states and cities en route? Did the mass vaccination drive in these metro cities cause the second COVID-19 wave in India? Or is there something else?
30,000 Cases Of Side Effects Reported From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccines In Sweden
An official tally of suspected adverse effects resulting from COVID-19 jab has surpassed 30,000 in Sweden. Majority of the cases are happening in people vaccinated with AstraZeneca’s vaccines branded as Covishield in India.
Petition Filed In Supreme Court Against Mandatory Mass Vaccination In India & To Disclose Secret Clinical Trials Data
A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court of India against mandatory mass vaccination in India. The petitioner who is a former
member of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation is also seeking public disclosure of vaccine clinical trial data and post vaccination data, as is required by International medical norms.
17 Year Old Healthy American Basketball Player Develops 3 Blood Clots In His Brain After Covid Vaccine
A 17 year-old healthy American basketball player Everest Romney developed 3 blood clots in his brain after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
Chinese Scientists Propose Viral Shedding Passively Inhaled COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines For The Unvaccinated
With the massive increase in vaccine hesitancy worldwide, Chinese scientists have proposed passively inhaled COVID-19 mRNA vaccines based on viral shedding for the unvaccinated.
More Than 100 Patients Die After Taking First Or Second Shot Of COVID-19 Vaccine In A Hospital In India
In a shocking case more than 100 patients have died after taking the first or even the second shot of COVID-19 vaccine in one single hospital in India.
30 Americans Die Everyday After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine According To Official Data
How many Americans have died after taking the Covid vaccine? According to official data, between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. That’s an average of 30 people every day.
COVID Vaccine Blood Clot Victims Demand Compensation From US Govt
Victims of the COVID-19 vaccine who are now suffering from blood clots are demanding compensation from the US government, since the manufacturers have already been given immunity from any liability.
Israeli People Committee’s Report Find Catastrophic Side Effects Of Pfizer Vaccine To Every System In Human Body
The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects. If the findings by IPC are genuine, then Pfizer vaccine is linked to more deaths in Israel than AstraZeneca’s in the whole of Europe. The findings are catastrophic on every possible level. This is a detailed report that highlights the most devastating findings.
Petition Regarding Rs 32,000 Crore Vaccine Procurement Scam Filed In India’s Supreme Court
A petition has been filed in India’s Supreme Court regarding a Rs 32,000 crore vaccine procurement scam.