Indian Doctor Tests COVID-19 Positive Even After Completing Full Covaxin Vaccine Course
An Indian state of Uttar Pradesh reported the first case where a person got COVID-19 positive even after getting a 2-dose course of the Covaxin vaccine.
AstraZeneca Provided Incomplete Outdated Efficacy Data From Latest COVID-19 Trial Says NIAID
The U.S. NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) has claimed that AstraZeneca provided incomplete and outdated efficacy data from latest COVID-19 trial.
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy And Not Vaccines As Per CDC Definition
Covid-19 vaccination has become mandatory and it is important to understand what this injection truly is. As per definition, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are gene therapies created by Moderna and Pfizer, they are not vaccines. Yet, many fact checkers insist this claim of gene therapy is false.
Chief Norwegian Investigator Confirm AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Rare Blood Clots Due To Unexpected Immune Reaction
In a huge development the Chief Norwegian Investigator and Physician Pal Andre Holme who examined the three hospitalized health workers has confirmed that it was indeed the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine which caused the rare blood clots due to unexpected immune reaction.
How To Protect Yourself Without Getting A COVID-19 Vaccine Shot – Canadian Doctors Speak Out
In an educational video created by the Liberty Coalition Canada in partnership with the Canadian Health Alliance, licensed medical professionals and doctors provide instructions on how to protect yourself without getting a COVID-19 vaccine shot.
Vaccine Wars – Pharma Lobby Wants To Punish Countries Pushing For Low Cost Vaccines
The drug lobby asks US President Joe Biden to punish countries including India, South Africa, Chile, Colombia, Hungary and others for seeking increasing production of Covid-19 vaccines without express consent from big pharma companies. The drug lobby is fighting for tight control over vaccine production and seeking punishment for countries pushing for low-cost vaccines.
Italy Launches Manslaughter Investigation After Death By AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
The prosecutor of Biella, Italy has opened a manslaughter investigation following the death of a man a few hours after getting vaccinated and ordered to seize a batch of AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs. He ordered the preventive seizure of the entire ‘ABV5811’ batch of AstraZeneca vaccines of the country that may affect 400,000 doses of the Anglo-Swedish jab.
Europe Calls For Emergency Vaccine Summit After AstraZeneca Jabs Caused Serious Blood Clots
The European Union has called for an Emergency Vaccine Summit after more than 8 European nations decided to stop using the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine due to serious blood clot incidents reported in many countries.
8 European Nations Stop AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine On Reports Of “Serious” Blood Clots
8 European nations including Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Norway and Iceland have decided to stop using the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine due to serious blood clot incidents reported in many countries.
65 Year Old Man In India Dies Just Minutes After Receiving AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
A 65-year-old man in India collapsed and passed away just five minutes after getting first dose of vaccine against covid-19. This is the first post-vaccination death in Goregaon. He reached Millat Nursing Home, Jogeshwari at 3.30 pm and got vaccinated at 3.37 pm. He was injected with 0.5 ml dose of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine Covishield intramuscularly.