Women Vaccinated For COVID-19 May Show Symptoms Of Breast Cancer As Side-Effect
According to Intermountain Healthcare doctors women who were recently vaccinated for COVID-19 may show symptoms of Breast Cancer as a side-effect of the vaccine.
Following Lawsuit, CDC Removes Claim “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” from its Website
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is facing a lawsuit from the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). Del Bigtree, the founder of ICAN has decided to urge the federal agency to remove the statement on its website claiming vaccination never causes autism in children.
Banned Documentary – Why Bill Gates Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines
Why Bill Gates switched from Microsoft to Vaccines is a hard hitting documentary on the untold history of the tech mogul.
75% Of US Troops Refused Taking COVID-19 Vaccine Says Pentagon Report
According to a Pentagon report almost 75% of US troops refused taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Addressing the allegation of a cover-up, the spokesperson for the agency, John Kirby informed the news outlets about the reason for the lack of exact data.
Global Vaccine Rollout Will Cause New Mutated COVID-19 Variants Warns Oxford Scientist
A senior scientist at Oxford University has warned the global rollout of Covid-19 vaccines will trigger the virus to mutate, driven by “immunological selection” rather than the adaptations we have seen so far and cause new mutated COVID-19 variants.
Zambia Must Not Inject Foreign COVID-19 Vaccines If Not Verified By Local Scientists Says Ex Vice President
The former Vice President of Zambia, Dr. Nevers Mumba has declared that COVID-19 vaccines made by foreign manufacturers should not be injected into any Zambians if it cannot be verified and validated by local Zambian scientists. He asked, how do we know that the injection that was made for President Biden, is the same vaccine that was given to Zambia. He also said that he himself will not take the experimental vaccine and nor family unless established safe by Zambian scientists.
Leaked Video Expose Mark Zuckerberg Admitting COVID-19 Vaccines Will Change Your DNA
According to a video leaked by an insider from Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is seen admitting that COVID-19 vaccines will change your DNA and that he is not sure what would be the long-term effects of these vaccines.
South Africa To Return 1 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses To Serum Institute
South Africa has now decided to return approximately 1 million vaccine doses to Serum Institute.
North Korea Attempts To Hack Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Technology
North Korea Attempts To Hack Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Technology
COVID-19 Vaccine Causing Deadly Rare Blood Disorder Thrombocytopenia
American federal officials are investigating COVID-19 vaccine recipients who developed the rare blood disorder thrombocytopenia, with at least several cases resulting in death.