US Settles Covid Vaccine Injury Claims

The recently-published data from the US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) shows that the US has settled Covid vaccine injury claims.

Breaking — Wash Post Discovers The Pentagon Leaker

The Pentagon Leaker has been discovered to be a young, charismatic gun enthusiast who shared highly classified documents with a group of far-flung acquaintances, seeking companionship amid the isolation of the pandemic called OG.

Hollywood’s Secret Counterfeit Vaccine Network

Actual cards purloined from a hospital pharmacy where the vaccines were sold and included batch numbers but without names attached are used in Hollywood’s secret counterfeit vaccine network.

US Military To Face COVID-19 Vaccine Lawsuit

According to the government’s submission, the US Military will face a COVID-19 vaccine lawsuit after asking to relieve Moderna of any liability for patent infringement resulting in the performance of the “1100” contract.