YouTube Fined 100,000 Euros By German Court For Censoring Pandemic Protest Footage
YouTube has been fined 100,000 euros by the German Higher Regional Court at Dresden after it wrongly deleted a user’s video which showed massive pandemic lockdown protests in Switzerland – and then failed to reinstate the video ‘immediately’ after the court ordered it to do so on April 20.
A Dark New Live Streaming Trend Where Viewers Pay To Watch Torture Humiliation And Death Live On YouTube
A sinister and dark trend known as “trash streaming” has emerged where viewers pay to watch torture, humiliation and death live on YouTube. Video content creators broadcast their bizarre or dangerous videos live via smartphone or laptop.
British Govt Recruited Comedians & Youtubers For Secret PsyOps Campaign Targeting NATO Members
The mainstream media has totally blacked out the crucial story about the recents leaks by hacktivist Anonymous that exposed the British government’s massive campaign to infiltrate civil society at every level where they recruited Comedians and Youtubers for secret psyops campaign targeting NATO members.