The European Union gave 27 million euros to Tanzania to impose COVID-19 measures prescribed by the WHO like strict lockdowns, masks and mass-scale vaccination. Tanzania took the money, then declared the country coronavirus free. Now, the Europeans are venting their anger in the parliament.
The Tanzanian President John Magufuli does it again.
In May last year, with the rise in false Coronavirus cases, the Tanzanian President John Magufuli growing suspicious of the World Health Organization (WHO), decided to investigate the claims himself.
He sent the WHO samples of a goat, a papaya and a quail for testing and all of them came COVID-19 positive.
It us only recently that the WHO changed its faulty PCR test ctiteria to cover-up false positives and cautioned experts not to rely solely on the results of a PCR test to detect the coronavirus.
At the time, as was exposed by the President of Belarus, sovereign nations were pressurized by global agencies to impose strict COVID-19 measures and were loaned out huge funds for it.
So, the EU gave 27 million euros to Tanzania as part of the EU Solidarity Fund meant to fight the Covid-19 pandemic in that country.
The money was supposed to be used to buy personal protective equipment (PPE), development of vaccines or medicines, pay for Covid tests, and other measures aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus.
But the, in May 2020, President Magufuli declared the pandemic in Tanzania officially over and said people should resume normal lives without even having to wear facemasks.
Moreover, in November last year the Tanzanian President said that he is not intending to use any Covid-19 vaccine but instead will settle on local herbs for protection against the disease.
Speaking to reporters, a spokesman at the Ministry of Health said,
“There are no plans in place yet of importing vaccine for Covid-19, our health experts and scientists are still researching and undergoing clinical trials for the local herbs for covid-19.”
Our readers may remember that last the President of Madagascar accused the WHO of offering a $20 million bribe to poison their local COVID-19 remedy.
All of these enraged the pharma companies and ofcourse the Europeans.
During an EU meeting earlier this month, EU member of parliament from Germany, David McAllister complained bitterly:
The European Union granted 27 million euros of European taxpayers’ money to combat the effects of COVID. Now we have a regime in the country saying that there is no COVID in the country with rather bizarre explanations.
So once again, we have a government who has refused to follow guidelines from the World Health Organization, a government who has refused to provide statistics and still we are giving them 27 million euros.
I would like you to inform the members of our committee about the money we have given to Tanzania, what were the criteria for giving this money and especially what is happening with this money.
We’re talking about European taxpayers money and I have difficulties that we grant money to a country which is obviously not trying to cooperate in a decent manner.
So could you please answer my question and if you’re not able now then I would expect you to provide it in written details within 48 hours.
Tanzanian President does it again.
— GreatGameInternational (@GreatGameIndia) January 24, 2021
EU gave 27 million euros to Tanzania to impose strict #COVID19 measures. Tanzania took the money then declared the country #coronavirus free.
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GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations. Get to know the Geopolitical threats India is facing in our exclusive book India in Cognitive Dissonance.
It cost the who nothing as its Central Bank Fiat created out of thin air. They all work together just buy there lie and roll over thats what they want
Wow great work of Tanzania persident, he is a rebolius person who first things about countryman rather than any Money…
Well? Did McAllister get answer in 48 hrs. or not?
If your team conduct research on who of the UK and European elites including WEF top people, as well as WHO officials have travelled and have plan to fly to Tanzania this year, that would be interesting. Tanazania declared covid free because those elites need to make vacation to the beautiful nature and natural parks in the country including the crater and the baloons. Who travel to Tanzania to enjoy their vacation don’t want to wear a maks which they know is not necesssary at all in this global fraud under the guise of “pandemic”.
Congratulations Tanzania!
One of the last few real country left on this earth.
Mr Ice CoolAid…kickin it!…
ein land, dass ein präsidenten wie john magufuli hat ist gesegnet. auch wenn das geld von europäischen steuerzahlern stammt, denn dann ist es wenigstens sehr gut angelegt und hat uns steuerzahlern deutlich mehr geholfen als die gelder, die an die regimetreuen länder geflossen sind und diesen coronabetrug mittragen. ich danke john magufuli und ich danke jedem präsidenten, der durch ehrlichkeit sein land schützt und somit der ganzen welt hilft. ich wünsche tansania sehr viel erfolg im tourismus und in jedem geschäftsbereich.
a country that has a president like john magufuli is blessed. Even if the money comes from the taxpayers, because then it is at least very well invested and has benefited us taxpayers significantly more than the money that flowed into the regime-loyal countries and supported this corona fraud. i thank john magufuli and i thank every president who protects his country through honesty and thus helps the whole world. i wish tanzania every success in tourism and in every business area.
I agree absolutely with the Tanzanian President,if all the PCR test are fraudulent ,and they are, because they are not made to detect any viral illness,so why he should make any of this crazy thinks like wearing masks,what we know has no sens ,it is even written on the boxes that this masks cannot protect against viruses,so I agree with Tanzanian President,and we should do altogether the same,all the population,and not waiting that the whole economy in Europe is going down, because that’s what is happening soon. Than they will take all ouer houses ,take a part of the pention of the retired people and give us a small amount of money in form of credit card,no cash anymore, that the only need to push the button if you are not doing what they wish. That’s the plan!
So people don’t wait ,wake up, together we are strong!
Felicitation to the Tanzanian President,he shows much courage.