Millions of people were left without clean drinking water and power due to devastating blackouts in Texas in February. Tesla is planning to make a 100 megawatt battery to plug into the power grid of Texas. This project will be started in Angleton, Brazoria County for stabilizing energy supply of the area.

Tesla Is Making A Secret Giant 100 MW Battery To Plug Into Texas Power Grid

Gambit Energy Storage, a subsidiary of the electric-car giant is making a battery-energy-storage project. The system is registered with the power grid operator (ERCOT) of Texas. 

An Electric Reliability Council of Texas filing gave an expected commercial opening date for the project to be May 1st, June 2021.  

It can store 100 megawatts of energy, so it will be enough to power 20,000 homes. 

Local officials said, “The battery is set to charge from the grid when energy prices are low, and then discharge when the electric system has a shortage of energy. The battery could help the local electric system come back online by providing energy to jump-start electric generators during a blackout or natural disaster”.

This project is initially proposed by Plus Power. The renewables company sold it without naming the buyer. In January 2020, the city of Angleton staff and Power Plus held a meeting to discuss Storage Park and accompanying documents showing the Tesla logo. 

In the documents, the Power Plus and city officials said ‘the project would connect to the grid through the existing Angleton Substation and would use “proven, reliable, and safe lithium-ion batteries.”

The facility would be unmanned and remotely monitored “with no emissions of any kind,” they said. It would be located at least 150 feet away from houses and concealed by “substantial natural vegetation.”

“The Energy Storage Park would strengthen Angleton’s energy independence and resiliency for decades into the future,” the officials added.

On June 30, 2020, Gambit registered a power generator with the Public Utility Commission of Texas in a separate filing. The document listed the service area of the generator as the Texas-New Mexico Power Company. In 2017, the Battery project of Tesla was already launched in South Australia.

On 15th Feb, a winter storm hit Texas causing electricity sources to go offline. Natural-gas plants were also going offline and it increased the energy demand. People turned heaters on and it further led to a huge energy shortfall. Electricity price surged 10,000%. As per an Army Veteran, his electricity bill was $16000.

Musk also tweeted during the storm “ERCOT was “not earning that R” – which stands for “reliability” in the nonprofit’s acronym.”

There was a huge energy shortfall and people lost access to clean drinking water in the state. They were asked to boil water as treatment facilities were hit by power outages. The incident was declared as a “Major disaster” by President Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America made hundreds of millions of dollars from the recent electricity crisis and blackouts in the state of Texas. Similar scandal was created by Enron 20 years ago. Enron had made billions out of the electricity crisis in California.

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One Response

  1. Que bueno, es un seguro contra apagones electricos. El problema es que entiendo que el precio se igualaria mas hacia el alza puesto que las familias en epocas de poco gasto pagaran mas para incluir esa energia en la bateria….por lo que en media elprecio subiria…cierto?

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