Jordan Peterson made an announcement about his alternative to the World Economic Forum while participating in Joe Rogan’s podcast with a consortium being held in London this October and into November.

The Alternative To World Economic Forum 1

A pro-family worldwide consortium will be established by Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson as a counterbalance to the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF), which he claims only provides the world with an “apocalyptic narrative.”

This past Saturday, Peterson made an announcement about his new WEF substitute while participating on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

According to Peterson, his new consortium will be held in London this October and into November and will invite some 2,000 participants from business, politics, and other public personalities.

He stated that he wanted his meeting to be public and that anyone may join the group.

Providing an “alternative to that kind of apocalyptic narrative that’s being put forward at least implicitly by organizations like the WEF,” according to Peterson, is the meeting’s aim.

Additionally, it would consider ways to support “long-term monogamous couples who are child-centered and to make increasing the birth rate part of that policy.”

“You don’t get to save the planet by making energy prices so expensive that no one poor can afford them. That’s off the table,” Peterson said.

“You don’t get to impose your utopian vision in the service of your narcissism on the poor,” he added.

“We’re going to try to make the poor rich — try to alleviate poverty,” he added.

Peterson has previously criticized the WEF and other globalist organizations.

He claimed that Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, is “the poster boy for the Klaus Schwab and WEF (World Economic Forum) types” last year.

Trudeau was also linked to “the halfwit cliché mongers like Klaus Schwab,” according to him.

The WEF is a globalist group with radical goals that aims to “push the reset button on the global economy” and build a New World Order. It was founded by global elites.

The WEF has Trudeau’s federal government of Canada as an ally.

This makes sense in light of what Schwab, the founder of the WEF, said in 2017 when he stated, “What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister (Justin) Trudeau … We penetrate the cabinet. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, is actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”

The Canadian government made the announcement that it will join the international “First Movers” climate coalition, a WEF-related initiative started by U.S. President Joe Biden, at this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland under Trudeau attended.

Peterson has criticized Trudeau and organizations like the WEF’s green climate change agenda.

He stated that his new group will look into how to “get energy and resources at the lowest possible cost as rapidly as possible to the largest number of people around the world.”

Even though Peterson has encountered growing hostility from several prominent academics in Canada, he has continued to express his opinions.

Despite efforts from dozens of organizations to put an end to the event, he successfully delivered an anti-woke speech to thousands of people in Ottawa yesterday.

Peterson was a vocal opponent of the COVID rules implemented by all tiers of the Canadian government, particularly during the Freedom Convoy last year.

After Canada’s top doctor claimed that Canadians require a sixth booster shot, he declared a few weeks ago that he would not be “fooled” into receiving another COVID shot.

Peterson is currently engaged in a legal dispute with the Ontario College of Psychologists over their demand that he undertake social media “retraining.”

Many Canadians, notably Pierre Poilievre, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, have defended Peterson. A rally in Peterson’s favor recently drew hundreds to the Ontario College of Psychologists building in Toronto.

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