After the COVID hospital protocol killed their loved ones, many families are filing lawsuits, seeking justice.

When the federal government sent $9,000 to Patty Myers to pay for her husband’s funeral, she got angry. “I didn’t want to take a penny. It felt like hush money, like they were paying me to keep quiet about how my husband died in the hospital.” 

In a burst of inspiration, Patty decided to take the government’s money and use it to make a documentary. She found a director through a church friend on Facebook and created Making A Killing, which exposes the covid hospital protocol that she believes killed her husband and thousands of other Americans.

“When I started making this film, I didn’t know about the federal money driving the protocol. I do now,” Patty told me. The federal money was titanic, flooding hospitals with cash that stimulated record-breaking profits. A new report from Open The Books reveals that the 20 largest nonprofit hospitals in America received more than $23 billion in federal aid during the 2018 – 2021 time period, and “their cumulative net assets soared to $324.3 billion in 2021, up from 200.6 billion in 2018.” And, in a wonderful development for the hospitals’ top executives, those lavish taxpayer funds enabled many of them to get paid $10 million or more a year. 

Alas, as Patty discovered, all that sweet federal money came with a catch: it incentivized specific medical treatments for Covid that happened to be deadly. If the hospital admitted you with a Covid diagnosis – great, they got paid more! If they “treated” you with remdesivir, a drug well-documented as lethal – fantastic, they got a 20% bonus on the whole bill! If the hospital tortured you with mechanical ventilation that caused secondary bacterial pneumonia – hooray, they got an even bigger payout! And if the hospital really lucked out and you died of Covid (even if not directly of Covid) – the cash bonanza was absolutely awesome.

“The hospital billed over $500,000 for Tony’s treatment and they couldn’t even find someone to give him water,” Patty said. I notice that Patty can’t talk too long about Tony without breaking into sobs. “He was my best friend. He was my partner. We did everything together.” 

The lawyer of the three teachers fired for refusing the Covid vaccine, Greg Piccirilli, announced that the teachers will get full reinstatement and back pay.

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