Venezuelan intelligence has crushed a secret plot to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro funded by US billionaires and organised by the former security chief of British billionaire Richard Branson, an ex-Green Beret running the private security firm Silvercorp USA, in Florida. The ringleader, retired Venezuelan General Cliver Alcalá, is now jailed in the US as one of the architects of a narcoterrorist conspiracy. Meanwhile, President Nicolas Maduro has announced that Venezuela will sue US in International Criminal Court (ICC) for severe damage caused by the economic sanctions – the sanctions that an India Russia partnership is helping Venezuela to bypass.

The Failed Plot to Overthrow Venezuela
The Secret Plot To Overthrow Venezuela. After the operation fell apart, authorities in the US and Colombia are asking questions about the role of a muscular American adviser, former Green Beret Jordan Goudreau (center)

The Plot

UK’s Daily Mail and the Associate Press interviewed over 30 political opponents of Maduro and “aspiring freedom fighters.” Luckily for the target Kanduro, coronavirus came just in the nick of time – key Maduro aides never joined the opposition and the government quickly quashed the uprising.

The planning began in March, 2019. Maduro’s would-be replacement, Juan Guaidó, selected a cadre of leaders who swore loyalty to him at a conference in Colombia.

JW Marriott in Bogota, Colombia
Soldiers and politicians involved in a failed rebellion retreated to the JW Marriott in Bogota, Colombia (pictured). The hotel was a center of intrigue among Venezuelan exiles

The JW Marriott in Bogota, Colombia was the centre for conference of the anti-Maduro gang. Military deserters, shady financiers and former Maduro officials seeking revenge gathered along with former U.S. Green Beret, Jordan Goudreau.

Enter Former U.S. Green Beret, Jordan Goudreau

Goudreau had a distinguished military career, receiving the Bronze Star three times for bravery in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was investigated in 2013 for defrauding the Army of $62,000 in housing stipends, but was released without charges. After retiring, he set up his own private security firm Silvercorp USA near his home in Florida’s Space Coast, deploying counter-terrorism agents in schools.

Green Beret Jordan Goudreau
Green Beret Jordan Goudreau. Goudreau was among those who showed up at the hotel. is a three-time Bronze Star recipient for bravery in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he served as a medic in US Army special forces, say five people who met with the former soldier.

Goudreau handled security at a concert organized by British billionaire Richard Branson in support of Juan Guaidó. Goudreau came back from the concert looking to capitalize on the Trump administration’s growing interest in toppling Maduro!

Richard Branson
The concert in support of Guaidó was organized by British billionaire Richard Branson on the Venezuelan-Colombian border. Branson is pictured at the Feb. 22, 2019 event

Goudreau met rebellious former Venezuelan military officer Cliver Alcalá, the ringleader of the Venezuelan military deserters. Alcalá had been caught supplying FARC guerrillas in Colombia with surface-to-air missiles in exchange for cocaine. Maduro and him were charged and he was punished by the U.S. for trafficking 250 metric tons of cocaine every year to the U.S.

Venezuelan military officer Cliver Alcalá
Cliver Alcalá, a retired major general in Venezuela’s army, seemed an unlikely hero to restore democracy to his homeland. In 2011, he was sanctioned by the US for allegedly supplying FARC guerrillas in Colombia with surface-to-air missiles in exchange for cocaine

Goudreau and Alcalá then set about selecting 300 combatants at the JW Marriott to execute a coup against President Maduro. These combatants were low-ranking soldiers who had abandoned Maduro and fled to Colombia. Alcalá would select the soldiers and Goudreau agreed to train the soldiers for a cost of $1.5 million in a rapid strike operation.

Trump’s Bodyguard Keith Schiller

Jordan Goudreau had been trying to curry favour with the Trump administration through Keith Schiller, President Trump’s long time bodyguard. Schiller met him and thought he was too arrogant and naïve, and cut off all contact with him.

Trump's Bodyguard Keith Schiller
Goudreau came back from the concert looking to capitalize on the Trump administration’s growing interest in toppling Maduro. Through a friend who works in private security, Goudreau was introduced to Keith Schiller (left), President Donald Trump’s longtime bodyguard

Jordan tried to pass off with Alcalá and his associates that he had high level contacts in the Trump administration, but that didn’t work. Throughout the mission, there was no serious attempt to communicate with the U.S. army or navy seal or intelligence apparatus.

Goudreau and Alcalá cast off other doubters and perceived weak links in the anti-Maduro camp. They set off, by themselves, on a mission to invade Venezuela from the Columbian border. In a heavily armed convoy they swooped into Caracas within 96 hours. Goudreau told the volunteers that once challenged in battle, Maduro’s demoralized and starving military would collapse.

One of the financiers of the invasion was Roen Kraft, descendant of the Canadian Kraft Company. Roen denied giving money upon learning of Goudreau’s militant intentions.

Silvercorp USA training
An image of Goudreau leading a training exercise for his company, Silvercorp USA

Goudreau intensified the daily exercise routines of his trainee comrades and Silvercorp engaged the warriors in training of close quarter combat.

Diosdado Cabello, Chief of Venezuelan Intelligence

Diosdado Cabello, the No. 2 to Maduro and in charge of Venezuela’s intelligence network, maintains that the government infiltrated the plot for months. Cabello said that they knew everything; they even had to pay for some meetings that took place.

Diosdado Cabello
Diosdado Cabello, the No. 2 most powerful person in the country and the Chief of Venezuela’s vast intelligence network, insisted that the government had infiltrated the plot for months. ‘We knew everything,’ said Cabello

Investigations revealed that Goudreau made a three-page document listing supplies needed for a three-week operation. Items included 320 M4 assault rifles, an anti-tank rocket launcher, Zodiac boats, $1 million in cash and state-of-the-art night vision goggles.

Hernán Alemán
Goudreau is ‘more of a Venezuelan patriot than many Venezuelans,’ said Hernán Alemán (pictured), a lawmaker from western Zulia state and one of a few politicians to openly embrace the clandestine mission.

Apparently, the two left behind even the Maduro imminent replacement, Juan Guaidó. According to Hernán Alemán, a lawmaker from western Zulia state, who speaks openly of his involvement in the attempted coup, he tried to pitch the coup to Guaidó on several occasions, but Guaidó showed little interest.

The Failed Coup

In January, 2020, Maduro announced breaking diplomatic ties with the U.S, ordering embassy members out of the country within 72 hours. Maduro made this announcement soon after President Donald Trump recognized Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s interim leader.

Invasion of Venezuela by Silvercorp USA
Invasion of Venezuela by Silvercorp USA

The plot to overthrow him, meanwhile, was unravelling quickly and easily. In early March 2020, one of the volunteer combatants was arrested while trying to sneak across the border into Venezuela. Colombian police seized a truck transporting a cache of brand new weapons and tactical equipment worth around $150,000. Equipment manufactured by High-End Defense Solutions, a Miami-based military equipment vendor owned by a Venezuelan immigrant family, was also seized.

Alcalá said on social media, “We had everything ready, but circumstances that have plagued us throughout this fight against the regime generated leaks from the very heart of the opposition, the part that wants to coexist with Maduro.” He went on to accuse Goudreau of breaking a contract. Goudreau denied even knowing Alcalá.

Venezuelan Narco terrorist Conspiracy
Alcalá was indicted by US prosecutors alongside Maduro as one of the architects of a narcoterrorist conspiracy that allegedly sent 250 metric tons of cocaine every year to the US. Alcalá is now in federal custody in New York awaiting trial. Pictured is Alcalá’s wanted poster

Alcalá was indicted by US prosecutors alongside Maduro as one of the architects of a narco-terrorist conspiracy that allegedly sent 250 metric tons of cocaine every year to the US. Alcalá is now in federal custody in New York awaiting trial.

Meanwhile, President Nicolas Maduro has announced that Venezuela will sue US in International Criminal Court (ICC) for severe damage caused by the economic sanctions. Hugo Chavez, the former President used to roam the streets of Venezuela in tanks filled with Gold bars displaying to his countrymen how their Gold and Oil would be used to pull the nation out of the Petrodollar system. Chavez is assassinated before fulfilling his dream and Venezuela has gone through some 20 years of US sanctions that has progressively strangled her economy. It is an India Russia partnership that is helping Venezuela bypass US sanctions.

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