A new song is stirring up America’s cultural battles. Recently, a catchy country-folk tune called Rich Men North of Richmond has taken off online, winning over many conservative Americans. Here’s the lowdown on this song:

The Story Behind Rich Men North Of Richmond

What’s the song’s message?

Rich Men North of Richmond carries the tune of working-class anthems, praising the days of old. The lyrics go: “It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to / For people like me and people like you / Wish I could just wake up and it not be true / But it is, oh it is.”

While focusing on the regular folks against controlling political big shots, the song also criticizes those “the obese milking welfare,” stating: “If you’re five-foot-three and 300 pounds / Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds.”

The most puzzling line goes: “I wish politicians would look out for miners / And not just minors on an island somewhere.” It seems to hint at Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, tied to his crimes with minors.

Who’s the artist?

The creator of Rich Men North of Richmond is Oliver Anthony. Born Christopher Anthony Lunsford, he’s a singer-songwriter from Farmville, Va. (west of Richmond). He resides on a small piece of land there with his trio of dogs, who appear in his music video.

What’s his claim to fame?

Before this massive hit, Anthony’s recognition was limited. He began sharing music on Spotify in 2022, with little attention. However, on August 8, his song Rich Men North of Richmond was published on YouTube by radiowv, a channel dedicated to West Virginian tunes. It’s garnered almost 30 million views since then. Anthony’s own YouTube channel features a nine-minute spoken intro that’s been viewed over a million times. His Twitter account, @aintgottadollar, started on August 10 and has already attracted about 400,000 followers.

What are his politics?

“I sit pretty dead center down the aisle on politics and always have,” Anthony says in his introduction video. “I remember as a kid the conservatives wanting war, and me not understanding that. And I remember a lot of controversies when the left took office. And it seems like both sides serve the same master. And that master is not someone of any good to the people of this country.”

Watch the video below:

That said, he’s upset that “a dollar’s not worth enough. It’s being overtaxed. People are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I want to be a voice for those people.” And he’s very riled up over child trafficking. “I think one of the worst things a human being can do is take advantage of a child.”

Who supports him?

Despite his centrist views, Anthony has gained a following among the far-right crowd in the U.S. Prominent figures like Kari Lake, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert have praised his work. Lake stated, “It’s raw, it’s true, & it’s touching the hearts of men & women across this great nation.” Greene called it “the anthem of the forgotten Americans,” while Boebert said, “You’ve created an anthem for our times.” Notably, country music star and political commentator John Rich has offered to assist Anthony in making an album.

However, it’s important to note that not all conservatives are in his corner. A column in the National Review by Mark Antonio Wright criticized Anthony’s “fuzzy lament.” The piece even advised Anthony to find a regular job.

His Perspective

Although Anthony hasn’t engaged with the media since his sudden rise, he did release a YouTube video titled “Moving Forward.” In this video, he seems to address his newfound fame and its implications.

“I’m no Dr. Phil,” he says, “but I just feel like, in this moment in time, when so many people are feeling the same frustrations, it would be wonderful to capitalize on that.”

He adds: “We need to find a way to take this energy from this anomaly of a song, from this stupid guy that – I mean, look, I appreciate the compliments, but I’m not a good musician … and find a way to start having good conversations with people who live around you. That’s all I want after this.”

2 Responses

  1. You have turned into a slick little disinfo site havent you?

    Calling people “far right” now


    Hinting to Epstein Island and “Epsteins crimes…”

    NO. The whole government, big business, hollywood, etc, were r*aping and killing children on that island. Epstein was only the facilitator.

  2. far right ???………. the days of dewish division are coming to an end as their means of power , WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY , is coming to an end …….. their BS CBDC will fail ……. when it all collapses and billions loose their life savings , pensions , everything , it will be the biggest red pilling moment in human history ……. billions will be asking what happened to their pensions and they will very quickly start learning about banks , central banks , the federal reserve , ecb etc etc and ultimately the 12 magic money families …….. these parasites will soon be gone along with all their minions ……… just look at the utter panic they are in as it is ………. we know who you are …….. we are looking straight at you

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