As drugmakers across the world race to develop a coronavirus vaccine, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “There’s no guarantee that the vaccine is actually going to be effective.” He also said that the vaccine may backfire and on the contrary strengthen the virus, itself. Meanwhile, even as there are concerns at the highest levels that COVID-19 vaccine may not actually work, mandatory vaccination programs are being forced on developing nations.

There Is No Guarantee COVID-19 Vaccine Will Work - Dr Fauci
There Is No Guarantee COVID-19 Vaccine Will Work – Dr Fauci

Fauci delivered the somber warning Tuesday to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions during a hearing about the road to reopening businesses across the nation, reported CNBC. U.S. officials have pointed to the development of a vaccine as a key turning point in the Covid-19 pandemic, even though it will take at least 12 to 18 months.

As experimental vaccines are created, they will also need to be mass produced to be administered to the more than 7.6 billion people around the world. In the meantime, there are no proven treatments for the virus.

Another worry among epidemiologists, Fauci said, is that the vaccine backfires and strengthens the virus.

There have been at least two vaccines in the past that have produced a “suboptimal response,” he said. “And when the person gets exposed, they actually have an enhanced pathogenesis of the disease, which is always worrisome. So we want to make sure that that doesn’t happen. Those are the two major unknowns.”

As GreatGameIndia reported earlier, Dr. Anthony Fauci diverted US funds to engineer Coronavirus at Wuhan lab via a company now under federal investigation. American tax-dollars were used to fund controversial gain-of-function research, which is the ability of a virus to jump from animals to humans. More information on the firm behind these experiments will be provided in our next report.

Meanwhile, even as there are concerns at the highest levels that COVID-19 vaccine may not actually work, mandatory vaccination programs are being forced on developing nations. Recently, based on an intercepted human intelligence report, a controversy erupted in Nigeria whereby it was revealed that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced vaccination program for Coronavirus to the Nigerian House of Representatives. (Such plans are also afoot in India which we will discuss in out next report.)

The development comes a month after Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former American President John F. Kennedy, in a lengthy piece exposed Bill Gates agenda in India and his “obsession with vaccines”.

For latest updates on the outbreak check out our Coronavirus Coverage.

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