According to projections by UK’s top modelling agency the third wave of COVID-19 spike will hospitalize and kill 60 to 70% of those people who took both the vaccine doses. The paper suggests that the resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths will dominated by those who have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.

Third COVID Wave Will Kill 60 To 70% People Who Took Both The Vaccine Doses Says Official UK Govt Model

The modelling (read below in full) was presented to the UK’s top scientific advisory body Sage by one of its sub groups, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling, Operational (SPI-M-O).

This committee of academics has done modelling work throughout the pandemic and has looked at the impact vaccination will have on hospital admissions, infections and deaths.

Its findings suggest that a third wave is inevitable but that the size of the spike in cases depends on the effectiveness of vaccines, the speed at which restrictions are eased and the impact new variants have on transmission and illness.

It suggests that the resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths will be “dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine”.

“Maintaining a large reduction in transmission from such measures after Step 4 [England’s plans to remove all restrictions from June 21] is taken is almost certain to reduce the size of the subsequent resurgence.

This latest modelling reinforces this finding, as lower adherence to baseline measures and the resulting increased transmission could lead to a peak close in scale to that seen in January 2021.”

The paper looks at a range of possibilities what we can expect from Covid as we ease restrictions going into the summer.

It takes into account a range of difference sources including modelling from the University of Warwick, Imperial College London and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. 

“Scenarios with little transmission reduction after step 4 [full lifting of restrictions planned for June in England] or with pessimistic but plausible vaccine efficacy assumptions can result in resurgences in hospitalisations of a similar scale to January 2021.”

The paper suggests that the resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths will dominated by those who have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.

“The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.

This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated

Third COVID Wave Will Kill 60 To 70% People Who Took Both The Vaccine Doses
Results of the central scenario of the Warwick model, showing the age and vaccine status
of those admitted to hospital (left) or dying (right) over time. Top plots are absolute numbers, bottom plots are proportions.

As soon as the model was made public Fact-checkers tried to debunk and downplay the fact that 60 -70% of those who took 2 doses on the vaccines will dominate the third wave.

Here is the verdict by Grace Rahman of Full Fact:

Modelling suggests that when a third wave occurs, hospitalisations and deaths will mostly be in those who’ve been vaccinated. This is because so many vulnerable people will have been vaccinated by then, not because the vaccine is harming them.

And yet, the fact-checker insists vaccines have nothing to do with the third-wave.

However, we will let our readers decide. Let us know what you think in the comments below.


37 Responses

  1. none of the models – absolutely none have been proven accurate. It’s just toilet paper.

  2. This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at to find out who they are…
    The Plandemic:
    “1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
    2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
    3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”

    “Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”

  3. Is the vaccine proven effective or accurate?
    Answer this first with your fact, then lets see on where go from there

  4. weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released
    this will not happen they will not endanger themselves

  5. Can you please give one question answer
    “My question is that Is Vaccine ingredients more defective i.e adverse reaction when it come under EMF”. I fill that where testing of 5g trils begin and person which already taken vaccine of covid-19 has been in danger condition or died what happened between vaccine and EMF I dont know. so, please give me answer

  6. I think that the ‘vaccines’ are a primer, and in most cases the person won’t have any real problem with it. When they have jabbed the majority of the population, they can then selectively activate the vaccine kill function with 5G.
    When the first cases appeared in the UK, the top six ‘hot-spots’ were all urban areas with historically poor air quality. The older people in the area would have grown up in this industrial smog. The other thing these areas had was a recent 5G roll-out.
    Autopsies done in Italy and Germany on Covid victims showed a prevalence of a bacteria in the lungs called Chlamydia Pneumonia. This normally dormant bacteria when activated causes blood cells to stick together.
    An anti-bacteria drug to treat it may have saved lives. 5G was shown to activate certain bacteria.
    Might be wrong about this, but a duff theory is better than none at all.


    The headline, the text, and the conclusion disagree.

    Headline “According to projections by UK’s top modelling agency the thrid wave of COVID-19 spike will hospitalize and kill 60 to 70% of those people who took both the vaccine doses.”

    Text “The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.
    This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals.”

    60% – 70% of the wave, not of the people who have been vaccinated.

    This sort of reporting annoys me greatly, and reduces the trust in the reporting body.
    Now this false headline will be out there inciting much more fear than it needs to.

    PS And then to rub it in; i.e. that the report is sloppy and misleading,
    conclusion says another completely different thing again;
    “As soon as the model was made public Fact-checkers tried to debunk and downplay
    the fact that 60 -70% of those who took 2 doses on the vaccines will dominate the third wave.”

    NB No byline. Whimps!!

  8. Publication have no authors ? Where it Comes from ? Who write This ? What is the source ?

  9. God is using His enemies to judge the church and the world. Afterwards He will destroy the perpetrators. He made us. He owns us.

  10. “……… the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China.”

    If Rothschild owned China’s Central Bank there would be no need for Israel and the West to be so aggressive towards China as it also is against other countries whose money it does not control.

  11. By june/July everyone vaccinated would have received 2 doses.

    Report days clearly that cases in vaccinated people are due to vaccine FAILURE: vaccine is NOT 100%.

    if 30 million people fully vaccinated, a 5% vaccine failure rate will result in 1.5million people at RISK of getting Covid… yes ONE & HALF MILLION AT RISK!

    so there WOULD be cases in “vaccinated”, more than in unvaccinated, and there would be hospitalisations and deaths because of % & age of vaccinated .
    Vaccine failures happen in many vaccines (flu vaccine is supposed to be only 50% protection!!!)
    This means those vaccinated who are failures means as if NOT VACCINATED AT ALL!

    Above example is with 5% example of failure
    Higher % failure = higher number of people at risk

    And some vaccinated may get mild viral attack when ch they overcome me without hospitalisation.

  12. The meaning of Samuel 15:1-35 is very different, because, you think, that Jahwe is really small.
    Its actually a test by God to see, whether Saul was worthy to become the King of Israel and their Saul didnt pass.
    Jawhe has let him know, that he should leave no thing alive, should he go to Amalek and kill all men, women and children in the middst of his Kingdom and Saul let alive Kings and Donkeys and brought them in front of Jahwes thron, where he should take HIS crown from HIS head.

    I think, I can tell you this, even though, that even God said to me, its a tragedy, that they didnt understand, that it was a test until today. So strongly do they believe this, that their God is a slaugtherer.

  13. Yes, 70% of the wave = those who are immunized, not 70% of immunized people, that is still alarming.

    Doesn’t say 70% who took the vaccine died, says 70% of those deaths in the third wave were dominated by those who received the two doses of the so called immunization. By no means any less chilling, lets look

    Section 32.The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. (ed note: not ONLY those immunized, but the total third wave, deaths dominated the 70% who WERE immunized) This can be attributed to the high levels of [vaccine] uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures [ed note: immunization failures are immunizations that take place, but do not work] account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56.

    [repeated: hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, this can be attributed to the high levels of [vaccine] uptake in the most at-risk age groups, immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals.] Again they just said, get it in your head, deaths dominated those who had two doses of the vaccine. Immunization failures (those who were vaccinated and it failed them) accounts for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals.

    ‘Immunization failure’ is different than failure of a person to willfully intentionally go out an get immunized.

    [ed note: read that last sentence carefully, so resurgence in hospitilizations and deaths dominated the 70% who took the bio-engineering device, where immunization failed, and thus have far more serious illness than those who were quote “unvaccinated.”

    Now that that is fully understood, here is some for the cognitively dissonant who think the medical establishment doing this research cares about human life, aka their definition of effective.

    “56. This shows that most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines. This is because vaccine uptake has been so high in the oldest age groups (modelled here at 95% in the over 50-year olds). There are therefore 5% of over 50-year olds who have not been vaccinated, and 95% x 10% = 9.5% of over 50-year olds who are vaccinated but, nevertheless, not protected against death. This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high.” [original emphasis] /end of document quote

    [ed note: Ty’s Translation: More deaths and admissions in those who have received two vaccine doses occurs because vaccine usage is so high, this is our definition of effective]

    But they just stated in section 32 that “immunization failures account for more serious death and illness than unvaccinated individuals”. How does immunization failure = vaccine usage is so high = effective?

    What do we make of this mess? Look at history, all previous attempts at developing vaccines for sars-cov and mers viruses all ended in failure as a result of or vaccine failure, or to be more specific, pathogenic priming. That is why they have never officially approved or released them for public consumption. All the children in the study died, all the animals either died or had severe reactions when they came into contact with the virus at a later time, thus all further testing was abandoned. Everyone today taking this vaccine are guinea pigs, and could face the same results.

    According to their own data, the effectiveness of this so called vaccine is measured by the high death rate; or they do not account the 70% of death’s in vaccinated people their measurement of the immunizations effectiveness at all. Of course, these are not vaccines, vaccines are designed to prevent infection and transmission. These are experimental gene editing bio-technologies, or biological warfare agents if you take this official UK government model seriously.

  14. Bill and Melinda Gates have spoken o her and over again about depopulation and they fund every research that gets patented for vaccines.

    He has been literally kicked out of countries for sterilizing women and giving the very virus he gave the shots for……and the world is suppose to accept his janus [ two faced] smirking lies that he wants to help humanity especially life reproducing women?

    Right….and he isn’t the antichrist either….NOTHING IS FREE….he wants your blood, body and soul to die.

  15. So for one year honest doctors rightly pointed their fingers to erroneous model projections, and now all of a sudden we are supposed to pay attention to such models because that fits our narrative that the C19 jabs are and will kill people? Sorry, what’s that all about??.
    And how some people even come up with the absurd idea of the jabbed ‘shedding’ stuff to the unjabbed? How is all possible if C19 doesnt exist in the first place???

  16. @Luís Rodrigues-Coelho The spike protein that is created is very real. 50,000,000 m-rna per shot, continuously creating till who knows when. They are transmitting to un-vaccinated. Pfizer have admitted as much.

  17. They won’t be. They have the cure for all so they will be fine. Back in the 90’s I had a dear friend in the military working in the cure for HIV/AIDS in Germany. They have all the cures according to him. He would know he worked on them. Got this info because he was extremely drunk and would NEVER talk otherwise.

  18. This vaccine induced infractions and severity scenario is getting clearer day by day. We are personally facing such situation as some of our know people, friends, relatives got savere Covid19 symptoms after vaccination only. Some of them already died. Some are battling for life.

  19. Ask Chinese …they have the answer.
    When the whole world collapsed and shall perish….they will rule . Thus now they r increasing their population by adopting new birth policy. They will soon bring more Virus from their Labs for biological warfare to obliterate the other races and countries

  20. Using leaky influenza vaccines woth chckens has resulted in evolution of lethal virus strains, so nowadays every newborn chicken must be protected to keep them alive. Now the same is happening with mankind. Other important viewpoints are that disease enhancement and the ability to interact specifically with whatever organ in human body with artificial exosome like nanoparticles. Everyone can easily check these things.

  21. Complete nonsense. What the report is saying is that 60-70% of hospitalisations will be from vaccinated people, assuming 90% + of the population have been vaccinated

  22. A mixture of battery acid , dried pangolin poop , sewer water and a good dash of used breaking fluid will do the trick as well … for less cost !!!

    Shaken … but not stirred … of course …

  23. The boss of Moderna describes what his shot is called: “A treatment for symptom control, not a vaccine”.
    It’s mentioned by Dr. David Martin in this presentation:
    Part 1: ​​

    When I read Moderna’s definition of their shot, it comes to mind that symptom control isnt meant as treatment for something that has happened, or happening, in the past and present, but that symptom control is also meant to work in advance, so that humanity is caught in a loop of disease versus symptom control.

    Watch Part 2 with Dr. David Martin, and you’ll be educated on the origin of eugenics and the design of our present pandemic, as one wagon of a long train leaving Railway Station “Medicine for free” and stopping at Railway Stations on its way, with names like Science and Commerce, Population Control, and Genetic Modification, now hurtling through 2021. Is the next stop its destination? I don’t think so, you?

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