DNA was believed to regulate or determine the functions of proteins for a long time. However, according to a new study it is actually your thoughts that control your DNA.

According to stem-cell biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., the conventional belief that DNA dictates so much of who we are—not just our eye or hair color, but then also our addictions, diseases, and cancer susceptibility—is a myth, reports The Epoch Times.

“You find yourself to be more or less a victim of your heredity,” Lipton said in the documentary “Biology of Belief.” “The problem with that belief system is that it extends to another level. … You become irresponsible. [You say,] ‘I can’t do anything about it, so why try?’”

This concept “says you are less powerful than your genes,” Lipton explained.

He claims that it is a person’s perception, not genetic programming, that drives every bodily action: “It’s actually our beliefs that select our genes, that select our behavior,” he says.

He began by explaining how this operates at the scale of the 50 to 65 trillion cells that make up the human body. He demonstrated how a cell may function without DNA and how its perceptions of ambient stimuli can influence DNA. He then extended the same ideas to the entire human body, demonstrating the impact of our perceptions and beliefs on DNA.

The following is a condensed version of Lipton’s thinking. You can see his documentary below for additional information.

5-Step Explanation

1. The cell is like a human body and it functions without DNA

A cell is similar to a human body. It has the ability to breathe, digest, reproduce, and perform other life processes. The nucleus, which houses the genes, has long been thought of as the cell’s control center—its brain.

When the nucleus is gone, however, the cell continues to function normally for a month or more and may still detect poisons and nutrients. The nucleus—and the DNA it contains—appears to have no control over the cell.

Some 50 years ago, scientists concluded that genes were in charge of biology. “It just seemed so correct, we bought the story,” Lipton said. “We don’t have the right assumptions.”

2. DNA is controlled by the environment

Proteins are the building blocks of life and carry out the operations of cells. DNA was believed to regulate or determine the functions of proteins for a long time.

A different model is proposed by Lipton. Receptor proteins in the cell membrane detect environmental signals that come into interaction with the membrane. This starts off a chain reaction in which proteins send signals to other proteins, causing the cell to react.

DNA is encased in a protective protein sleeve. Environmental signals cause that protein to open up and choose specific genes for use—genes that are required to respond to the current environment.

In essence, DNA is not the start of the chain reaction. Rather, the perception of the surroundings by the cell membrane is the initial step.

The DNA is dormant if there are no sensations.

“Genes can’t turn themselves on or off … they can’t control themselves,” Lipton explained. If a cell is not exposed to any external stimuli, it will not accomplish anything. “Life is due to how the cell responds to the environment.”

3. Perception of the environment is not necessarily the reality of the environment

“The Origin of Mutants,” a 1988 paper by John Cairns published in the journal Nature, was mentioned by Lipton. Cairns demonstrated that DNA mutations really aren’t arbitrary, but occur in a predictable pattern in reaction to environmental pressures.

“In every one of your cells, you have genes whose function it is to rewrite and adapt genes as necessary,” Lipton added. Environmental signals were proven to be independent from the organism’s perception of environmental signals in a chart published in the journal by Cairns.

Between the actuality of the environment and the biological response to it, a being’s perception of the environment works as a filter.

“Perception rewrites genes,” Lipton said.

4. Human beliefs, choosing to perceive a positive or negative environment

Humans have five senses, similar to how cells have receptor proteins that allow them to see the environment outside of their cell membrane.

These are what allow a person to figure out which genes should be turned on in a specific situation.

According to Lipton, genes are similar to code on a computer disk. These programs are classified into two categories: the first is for growth or reproduction, and the second is for protection.

The growth genes are triggered and utilized when a cell comes into contact with nutrients. When a cell comes into contact with toxins, the cell’s defense genes are triggered and employed.

When a person is in love, his or her growth genes are triggered. When a person is confronted with fear, the protective genes kick in.

When a person perceives a negative environment, there may be a supporting or positive environment present. The body responds by going into fight-or-flight mode when this unpleasant impression activates the protective genes.

5. Fight or flight

Blood flow is diverted away from essential organs and into the limbs, which are used for combat and sprinting. The immune system’s significance diminishes. If you think about the reactions we used to have while fleeing from a lion, for instance, the legs would have been far more essential than the immune system in that circumstance. As a result, the body prioritizes the legs while ignoring the immune system.

As a result, when a person experiences a bad environment, the immune system and essential organs are often neglected. We become less intelligent and clear-headed as a result of stress. In fight-or-flight mode, the region of the brain that controls reflexes takes precedence over the part that controls memory and other mental activities.

The body stimulates growth genes and nurtures the body whenever a person experiences a nurturing environment.

Lipton used the example of orphanages in Eastern Europe, where kids are given plenty of food but very little affection. The growth of children in such facilities has been proven to be stunted in terms of height, learning, and other aspects. There is also a high rate of autism in the area. Autism, according to Lipton, is a manifestation of protective genes being triggered, similar to barriers being built.

“Beliefs act as a filter between the real environment and your biology,” he explained. As a result, people possess the ability to alter their biology. It is critical to maintain a clear perception, he said, since else you would not build the appropriate biological responses to the real-world environment.

He told the audience, “You are not victims of genes,” and asked them to think, “What beliefs are you selecting genes with?”

2 Responses

  1. Overly simplistic and self-fulfilling theory, convenient. How do the cells know how to process nutrients, etc.? Yes, you can take the DNA out of the cell, of course that won’t kill it, the processes continue. There are lots more cells with DNA. The DNA causes everything to be programmed to work in the first place and reproduce. Lipton’s argument leads to blaming a person’s thoughts for cancer, for the immune system to go awry. Everything works together in an amazing symphony, when it works well. Next, he will tell us if we think right, our bodies will live forever.

  2. Of course you can think wrong, negative, in a downward spiral and that might cause cancer & other diseases, that’s the way we are trained just now by the global corona regime.

    (> grand Jury 4, @ the end)

    Except known poison proteins, like those artificial ones, that are mounted on the corona body as spikes, there are very similar proteins known as exosomes. The cells seem to communicate with them, in one organism and may be even between organisms.

    think positive !

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