During a rally in Reno, Nevada, while attacking the immigration policies of Joe Biden, Trump vowed the largest deportation in American history if elected.

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Should he be reelected to office in 2024, former US President Donald Trump has stated he will be in charge of the largest mass deportation of undocumented immigrants in US history.

During a rally in Reno, Nevada on Sunday, Trump, the clear favorite to win the Republican nomination and compete against the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, in the 2020 election, attacked the immigration policies of his successor.

Trump called Biden a “low-IQ individual” and described him as the “most incompetent and corrupt” leader in US history. He also expressed the opinion that Biden’s permissive immigration policies had led to a situation where significant action is needed to address them.

“Given the unprecedented millions of Biden illegal aliens who are invading our country, it is only common sense that when I’m reelected, we will begin – and we have no choice – the largest deportation operation in American history,” Trump said. 

In addition, Trump told the Reno crowd that he would “terminate every open-borders policy of the Biden administration” on his first day in the White House. The former president further declared that he would implement the “Alien Enemies Act,” which would result in the expulsion of “all known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members” from the country.

James G. Stavridis, a former NATO supreme allied commander, said that the deep state fears Trump will withdraw the US from NATO, which would be an enormous strategic and historic failure on the part of the nation.

Trump had said undocumented immigrants “from Africa, from Asia, [from] all over the world” were “poisoning the blood of our country” the day before at a rally in New Hampshire.

The Biden campaign staff immediately attacked the statement, claiming that Trump’s language was akin to a phrase from Adolf Hitler’s manifesto “Mein Kampf,” which alluded to the superior cultures of the past perishing and going extinct as a result of “blood poisoning.”

“Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler,” the Biden campaign said, adding that the GOP presidential frontrunner is “not shying away from his plan to lock millions of people into detention camps.” 

To implement his immigration plans during his second term as president, Trump has stated that strengthening the barriers at the southern border of the United States is essential. In addition, he has declared that he will broaden the travel restrictions on citizens of specific nations or regions, such as Gaza, Somalia, and Libya.

Additionally, he has stated that he is in favor of abolishing automatic citizenship for children born to illegal immigrants in the country and implementing a merit-based immigration policy.

3 Responses

  1. Trump talks like a patriot, acts like a deepstate scumbag. It really is time to remove this entire federal clusterphuck from our country. All of it.

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