It has been reported that the Ukrainian Security Service has assassinated its own delegation memmber at talks with Russia on suspicion of high treason.

Ukrainian Security Service Assassinates Own Delegation Member At Talks With Russia On Suspicion Of High Treason

The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) shot and killed Denys Kyreyev, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating team at the first round of negotiations with Russia in Belarus, while attempting to detain him, Ukrainian parliamentarian Oleksiy Honcharenko said, reported Interfax.

“During an attempt to detain Denys Kyreyev, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation, the Ukrainian Security Service shot and killed him. He was suspected of high treason,” Honcharenko wrote on Telegram.

Kyreyev was among the members of the Ukrainian delegation at the first round of the talks with Russia in Belarus.

“The SBU had clear evidence of Kyreyev’s high treason, including his telephone talks,” Honcharenko said citing his sources in political quarters.

Meanwhile, Sergei Naryshkin, the chief of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), has claimed that the SVR had gotten information indicating that Ukraine was engaged in developing its very own nuclear weapons.

President Volodymyr Zelensky’s warnings to quit the Budapest Agreement, according to Naryshkin, were “not an empty promise.”

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