New reports from Russia show that Merefa laboratory, which is a US Biolab, experimented on neuromodulators on socially vulnerable Ukrainians, which caused irreversible damage to their central nervous system.

US Biolabs Experimented Neuromodulators On Socially Vulnerable Ukrainians 1

According to Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, the head of the Russian Armed Forces’ radiation, chemical, and biological defense, employees of the lab in the village of Sorokovka in Kharkov region tested highly active neuromodulators that caused irreversible damage to the central nervous system as part of the US military bio program.

According to him, Sorokovka was home to a branch of the Merefa laboratory, which was created at the Pentagon’s expense. Labs in Merefa conducted studies on patients from Kharkov’s psychiatric clinics.

“In accordance with the available information, highly active substances of neuromodulators were tested on socially vulnerable citizens of Ukraine, which caused, among other things, irreversible damage to the central nervous system. This is a clear violation of the norms of international treaties in the field of human rights,” he said.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, this laboratory in Sorokovka was listed as a food additives manufacturer, and “with the start of a special military operation, the equipment of the branch under the control of the SBU was taken to the western regions of Ukraine.”

Experiments on mentally ill people have been carried on in Ukraine since at least 2011, and one of the curators, US resident Linda Oporto Alharoun, has visited the laboratory outside Kharkov several times, according to Kirillov.

He remembered that the ministry had previously stated that employees of the Merefa biological laboratory, which was created with US funding, had conducted tests on patients of Kharkov’s psychiatric clinics between 2019 and 2021. One of the illegal activity’s organizers was US citizen Alharoun.

“Thanks to the documents obtained during the special military operation, we became aware that such studies have been carried out in Ukraine since at least 2011, and Alharoun has repeatedly visited the branch of the Merefa laboratory, built at the expense of the Pentagon in the village of Sorokovka, Kharkov region,” he said.

Kirillov went on to say that the Pentagon and Ukrainian biolabs were connected, and that the US had confirmed this.

“In addition, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that on June 9, the Pentagon’s website published an official statement on US biological activities in the post-Soviet space.

The US administration acknowledged the fact of financing 46 Ukrainian biological laboratories and the connection of the US Department of Defense with the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center ” Kirillov told during a briefing that Russia has documents proving a biological laboratory agreement between the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the US.

After the Pentagon began sponsoring Ukrainian biological projects in 2015, infectious diseases were more common in Donbass, according to Kirillov, who added that the incidence of tularemia in the Donetsk People’s Republic jumped by 9.5 times in 2016 compared to 2007.

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