A Ukrainian frontline medic has claimed that he has ordered castration of all Russian POWs stating that “we treat ours and turn theirs into fertilizer,” attesting to the treatment of prisoners of war in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Frontline Medic Claims He’s Ordered Castration Of All Russian POWs

On Sunday, the founder and commander of a Ukrainian volunteer medical unit vowed on national tv that all Russian soldiers arrested would be castrated. The volunteer military doctor, whose squad has already been dubbed “medical angels” by Western press, said “cockroaches” do not merit the freedom to reproduce.

Gennadiy Druzenko, a constitutional lawyer shifted volunteer combat doctor in Ukraine, made the surprising admission. In a televised broadcast with Ukrainian media, he chastised the US for its unwillingness to go to war with Russia on Ukraine’s behalf, before remarking on the Russian military.

“Trust me, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s military hardware burns well. The corpses of ‘putinoids’ may stink, but they become unthreatening,” he said.

During the fight, Druzenko stated that he had deviated from the premise that a wounded enemy fighter should be handled like a normal patient.

I gave my doctors … a very strict order to castrate all men, because they are cockroaches and not people.

He further hinted that Russian prisoners of war “will die in very large numbers” at the hands of his battalion, so that remaining Russians would recall Ukraine with fear “like the Germans remembered Stalingrad.”

The host abruptly ended the conversation at this moment, saying that Russian forces will be “held accountable.” Her co-host reassured the audience that Russia is under investigation in Ukraine for potential war crimes.

After the interview received widespread attention, YouTube removed the full livestream portion, that included the interview, on Monday.

The allegations have prompted Russia to open a criminal probe.

Druzenko oversees the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, a squad of civilian doctors that has been delivering assistance to Ukrainian soldiers since 2014, when post-coup authorities in Kiev dispatched the Ukrainian military to quell an uprising in eastern Ukraine. He is a well-known personality at home, having won multiple accolades from the Defense Ministry and the National Security Council for his efforts.

Druzenko, who is proficient in English and has spoken freely to CNN and the New York Post about the efforts of the people they labelled as the “medical angels” at the Russian offensive on his nation, has been a favorite of the Western media.


Druzenko worked for many Western institutions before the crisis, including as regional director for a USAID-funded initiative in Ukraine in the early 2010s, as per his CV. From 2009 to 2010, he served as a researcher at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the United States, and in 2010 at the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

During an interview with Ukrainian television, Druzenko admitted that his squad had a “military wing” made up of ex-commandos, and that as a result, his squad had been sarcastically dubbed the “First Volunteer Mobile Storm Unit.”

“We treat ours and turn theirs into fertilizer. Unwelcome guests have never been loved on this soil,” he added. He said that Americans were envious of Ukraine as they were “afraid to fight against the Russians and we are not.”

He also praised his lengthy history of fighting for Ukraine, claiming that “the enemy has not changed and the means of war have not changed” since 2014.

Amnesty International had previously urged the Ukrainian authorities to safeguard Russian prisoners of war from public humiliation, as required by the Third Geneva Convention. Its statement was issued in reaction to several recordings of detainees posted on social media, as well as Kiev’s practice of bringing them to news conferences to discuss their involvement in the Russian offensive and pleading with their families not to support it.

6 Responses

  1. Only a possessed by evil angel man would say and do such a wicked thing. (Proverbs 17:11) “An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.” These NAZI Jews have given themselves over to evil and are thereby controlled by demonic entities, mind and body. This is who we battle today – the unseen realm of demonic entities who possess those who are wicked.

  2. Main stream media shamelessly will hide this interview to work on Ukrainian PR which is absolutely criminal conduct. I don’t know about the world but Indian media needs to be audited by the government for spreading fake and dis-information among population and on top of all these the shameless journalists come in front of public and tell how they should be trusted despite being slapped, abused by general public many times.

  3. I have to say that this article is complete nonsense and serves only to enrage and encourage further animosity between the two countries. It is reporting like this that brings more misery to the world. It is absolutely unthinkable that any physician would behave in such a despicable manner. If the man targeted by this article is really doing as he stated he should be castrated then shot.

  4. I don’t believe it for minute. But when you look as his face, he does sort of have this look like “uh-oh maybe I should have thought this through”. I would assume the RU can find him any where in the world and that he signed his death warrant if the story is true.

  5. If a single Russian soldier is castrated or mistreated, and these statements by Druzenko are proven true, this “man” should be removed from the gene pool. The world has no need of such monsters.

  6. This monster is a disgrace to the medical profession an Ukraine shoot him as soon as possible before he causes more hate between ukrin and Russia

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