The head of Ukraine’s military intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, threatened total “guerrilla” warfare in Russian-occupied territory. He also warned Moscow was attempting to split his country into a divided state.

Ukraine Military Prepares For Total Guerrilla Warfare

Budanov said that Ukraine was preparing a guerrilla war in any territory Russia continues to control. “The season of a total Ukrainian guerilla safari will soon begin,” he said.

The statement from the intel chief comes as the US is dumping billions of insurgency-style weapons into Ukraine. The American weapon’s shipments to Keiv included the shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile that the CIA provided to the Afghan Mujahideen to use against the Soviet Army.

There is a long track record of influential foreign policy thinkers who suggested America would benefit from Russia fighting an insurgency in Ukraine.

The latest official to express the benefits of Ukrainian insurgency is US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl. He believes Russia would be weakened by the war in Ukraine. “I think with a high degree of certainty that Russia will emerge from Ukraine weaker than it went into the conflict. Militarily weaker, economically weaker, politically and geopolitically weaker, and more isolated,” Kahl said on Thursday.

The CIA has also spent several years training Ukrainians in insurgency tactics. The agency believed those it trained would be the leaders of the resistance if Russia invaded.

Budanov also accused Russia of trying to recreate a Korean split of Ukraine. “In fact, it is an attempt to create North and South Korea in Ukraine,” he said.

Russia has demanded that Keiv recognize Moscow’s control over Crimea and the independence of the Donbas before it would end its assault. On Sunday, Zelensky indicated for the first time he may be willing to “compromise” with Russia over control of the Donbas. The two Donbas republics – Donetsk and Luhansk – have been at war with Keiv since 2014.

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, assistant editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter. This article was originally published on The Libertarian Institute.

6 Responses

  1. Ukraine, because of their blood lust and love of war, which has gone on for almost eight centuries affecting every country it touches, will be ripped to shreds by its own fascists. It will cease to exist and will be absorbed by the cannibal nations which surround it; Poland, once honorable and the pillar of Eurasia, will finally be neutralized and then restored to its agrarian power. Those who side with Russia will go merrily on reestablishing Tartaryah as they are required to do. The United States of the America’s is a dead man walking to his grave taking his/her (hermaphrodite) women and children with it. The US has no real men left in it. It is traumatic and a wonder to watch as the greatest nation in the New World turns to radioactive dust. Hopefully, Canada will only get a ‘dusting’, but not with Trudeau the sycophant at the helm. The death of Mexico, as we have known it, will burn with Rome. In each and every case, it’s about time. The Millennium of the wicked Templars is done. Hooray!

  2. And yet, Moriyah, u describe (very accurately) the demise of human existence in this moment – – AND ‘that moment’ is the precise time that GOD has Always acted throughout the Tanakh / O.T, bringing Deliverance. Buck up my dear friend for the ‘Lion is to lie down and eat straw etc …. and no harm is to be done (anymore)’. Momentous Times, n’est-ce pas ?! …. … shalom, al jenkins

  3. @ Moriyah Well, that pretty much sums it up, but do you have to be so cheerful ? lol I do not agree, there are plenty of “Real Men” left in the U.S., …. just not any in the Government, or very many under the age of 35. We Americans with any brains at all, have been disgusted for a long time about the crappy things our Government does and we don’t deserve the wrath that the U.S. Gov has earned. So if a nuke has to fall on the U.S. I’m okay with that, …. as long as they only fall in Wash DC !!

  4. “The two Donbas republics – Donetsk and Luhansk – have been at war with Keiv since 2014”
    This is backwards
    Kiev has been at war with the Donbas since 2014, Kiev are the aggressors.

  5. Effectively, to cut off the head of the snake (Vaticanus), as it were, every region, or city, with both an obelisk and cupola / dome will require / receive a direct strike from, at least, a limited tactical nuke. Additionally, any and every armed military base will be neutralized. Likely to dust. Any redemption of America was forfeited with the banking and bombs partnership more than a century ago. If you live on a farm a days walk from a city, well, maybe. Best to get out of any town. Soon! I’m just reading straight from THE Book, THE Byblos, we are half way through Rev. 13 already and moving at light speed. Russia and the East Orthodox will get their dusting too, but; even in their ignorance they have stood their ground against all comers only to rise again and redeem the earth. Strategically, taking out Wash., N.Y., Chicago, L.A., Denver, and ALL major military bases in the US, and those related worldwide, is insufficient for a clean slate to start again. I am only pointing out the obvious so none can claim ignorance. I myself am 10km from Parliament Hill, with10 high rises providing line of sight cover. The balcony will have a garden this year. Climate wise that likely won’t be possible next year. It may not matter. Time is very, very short.

  6. You, Fairlander, know as well as I, this, THAT, specific mercy was always limited. Is the Jewish nation, so-called, of Israel worthy of redemption or deliverance NOW? At all? They are actually being sacrificed, as a higher percentage, to death by vaccine than any people on earth. And, considering the number who self identify as Jewish, while working in the Medici’s world of Medicine after its corruption by the Vaticanus, as Doctors of Death it would be hysterically funny if it was not so damned serious. Heaven help us as only Yahweh can. God, Baal Gad, cannot do other than destroy us! HE stated clearly, ‘this time I come with a sword’. WAR!

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