In a recent interview, a UN official admitted that they partner with companies like Google to control the search results and she even claimed that “We Own The Science”.

"We Own The Science": UN Official Admits That They Partner With Google To Control Search Results 1

Melissa Fleming, the UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, recently acknowledged during a discussion with the World Economic Forum that the globalist organisation has colluded with Big Tech companies like Google to control search results on topics like climate change, ensuring that the establishment narrative prevails while stifling information and data that is at odds with the UN’s climate agenda.

The UN is in charge of the science, according to Fleming, who continued, “We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do.”

On any topic, including climate change, no one “owns the science.” The narrative should be rejected as flawed if the data does not support it. The UN appears to disagree.

The alternative media has been reporting for years that Big Tech corporations, governments, and globalist institutions are actively working together to suppress dissenting data and opinions in order to keep the public as unaware of the truth as possible. This open admission only serves to confirm what the alternative media has been saying for years. Globalist activities are entirely about elevating their own propaganda as a tool to increase their control over society, far from “fact checking” or combating “disinformation.”

Laws relating to carbon emissions that are part of the UN’s “Agenda 2030” give governments a great deal of control over business, private property, and individual freedoms. As we said in our previous articles the UN has everything to gain by keeping the people from accessing all the information and making an informed decision on their own, thus it only seems natural that they would strive to attack any information source that is in opposition to the adoption of such regulations.

Watch the video below:

One Response

  1. Yeah. They have a special algorithm for corona.

    Example if you type in “33 coronavirus cases” you will get hundreds of pages with that exact number.

    All dating to April may of 2020.

    Why do I special?

    Type in any number – 666 cases of Coronavirus or any arbitrary number and you will get pages and pages of AI generated pages with that exact number.

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