Days after Rice University in Texas, US delayed in-person classes and shifted to online classes due to high coronavirus cases, it discovered that all of those cases were false positives.

University Delays In Person Classes Then Finds Out The COVID Results Were False Positives

Days after it moved its first two weeks of classes online due to a high number of students testing positive for the coronavirus, Rice University said Monday it has retested dozens of students and “all but one of those have turned out to be negative”, according to ABC News report.

According to officials, the university uses three different providers for its testing program. As it started to ramp up testing again, it conducted 4,500 tests in the first 9 days with initial results showing 81 positive results. Half of those positive tests came in last Thursday.

The university had used the results as the basis for its decision to shift classes online for the first two weeks of the semester and push back the start of classes by two days as the delta variant continues to surge throughout Texas and the Houston area.

“This unusual campus positivity rate prompted us to take quick action and assume a more cautionary posture until we could determine whether there was a significant risk of widespread infection,” wrote Kevin Kirby, chair of the Crisis Management Advisory Committee, in a letter to students.

The university’s COVID dashboard now shows 27 positive tests since Aug. 13.

Rice began investigating and determined one of the testing companies had changed their protocols that determine test results without alerting Rice. The university asked the company to revert to their previous testing protocols, which they have done.

The university retested 50 people who previously tested positive twice with two different tests and all but one came back negative. They released those students from isolation.

While officials said the plans would remain in place, they said students who have delayed moving into residence halls can begin any time after Sept. 3.

Meanwhile, students at Connecticut’s Quinnipiac University will be fined up to $2,275 and lose internet access if they fail to comply with the university’s COVID-19 vaccination policies.

According to Mississippi Health Office, the patients of COVID-19 who refuse to self-isolate may be fined $5000 and even sent to 5 years in jail or both.

On the other hand, the CDC has announced that they will revoke the emergency use authorization given to RT-PCR for COVID-19 testing.

4 Responses

  1. Too bad so many people at universities seem hopeless in staying on top of COVID developments. The message seems to be that universities are only for dull people who don’t do independent research and who are not capable of independent thought. Universities have become hostile places for those who value critical thinking. Those who allow themselves to be coerced into taking the jab tend to be intellectually challenged and/or cowardly. Fight the mandates. Don’t quit or back off. Force the fascists to prevent you from entering classes or to fire you from your jobs if you choose the road of health for you and all humanity by refusing to be jabbed.

  2. Their thought process goes like this: First , they’ve bought into every bit of fear because they have to trust the media. They can’t even consider the possibility that their media would be manipulative or agenda’d in any way. In their minds that would make them a target of the collective hatred that’s been installed in them over the last 5 years. It would mean social rejection and total disaster.
    They can’t stand to think of themselves as anything but a left-wing media sycophant. That means anything they are told or implied must be followed and rationalization & justification of logical fallacies will occur even without conscious intent. The identity and the ego depend on it. As emotionally invested as they’ve been manipulated to be, through hatred of Trump and all the other ways they’ve been molded, to suddenly question the narrative in any capacity could snowball into total egoic collapse, which is one of the most terrifying events that a person can face , although it’s also possibly the most beneficial. I think this is the phenomenon that Goebbels captured German’s with leading up to the 2nd world war. It’s a form of mind-control, and people will often choose death before electing to concede the narrative they are dependent on. But Goebbels became a nervous wreck having to keep the artificial narrative alive and non-contradictory for as long as he did. (See Goebbels Diaries, English translation). So someone or some group out there is surely worn down to the nub and carrying a tremendous anxiety having fabricated so much to keep the democratic mainstream sloppily clinging together by half-truths, anger , and fear. Yet they keep slipping into the abyss and doubling down for short term relief. It can’t last much longer. Something is gonna break and there will be a massive relief felt across the globe. That’s my prediction at least.

  3. Article:
    “Rice began investigating and determined one of the testing companies had changed their protocols that determine test results without alerting Rice. The university asked the company to revert to their previous testing protocols, which they have done.”‘

    Start thinking, folks; thinking and questioning. This whole Covid 19 ‘pandemic’ is nothing less than a fraud:
    “Since the Fauci Flu in any of its “variant” forms has yet to be properly isolated, the FDA instead used regular cold/flu viruses to produce PCR tests – meaning everyone who tests “positive” for Chinese Germs (Covid 19) is actually just testing positive for the seasonal flu”.

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