New information from a source in the French intelligence explains how the US and UK are conducting a secret war in Ukraine using elite SAS and Deltas units.

How The US And UK Are Conducting A Secret War In Ukraine 1

A source in the French intelligence community reportedly informed a Le Figaro reporter last week that elite special forces from the UK and the US have been deployed in Ukraine since the start of hostilities with Russia in late February.

The claim was made public by the newspaper’s senior international journalist Georges Malbrunot on Saturday, the same day that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson paid an unexpected visit to Kiev. Although this information has not been officially confirmed, the British leader was reportedly accompanied by special SAS guards.

SAS units “have been present in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, as did [sic] the American Deltas,” Malbrunot tweeted, citing a French intelligence source. He went on to say that Russia was well aware of the “secret war” waged against its troops by foreign commandos, according to the source. His information was mentioned in Le Figaro’s Ukraine updates.

The United Kingdom and the United States have been among Kiev’s most ardent military supports. Johnson is said to have personally urged his Ukrainian colleague, Volodymyr Zelensky, to continue fighting Russia until better terms are presented.

The pro-fighting consensus in the West was reportedly confirmed last week by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, who remarked on Saturday while visiting Kiev that the “war will be won on the battlefield.”

Earlier this week, British media reported that scores of “retired” SAS personnel had gone or intended to deploy to Ukraine to help Kiev with reconnaissance and anti-tank combat. According to the UK tabloid the Daily Mirror, their services were purportedly paid for by “a country in Europe, still to be named, via a private military company” rather than the British government.

On multiple instances, the Russian military reported taking action against “mercenaries” fighting for Ukraine. One such incident occurred on Saturday, while Johnson and Borell were in Kiev.

Kiev attempted to utilise a civilian ship in its latest failed attempt to evacuate high-value individuals from the port city of Mariupol, which witnessed some of the most intense combat during the conflict, according to the Russian defence ministry. Leaders of the ultranationalist Azov battalion and foreign mercenaries were among those targeted for evacuation. Hundreds of foreign nationals, as well as several thousand Azov forces, may be stranded in Mariupol, according to unsubstantiated sources.

The United States and the United Kingdom have openly announced that they have no plans to send soldiers to Ukraine to fight. Both are important arms suppliers to Kiev and were training Ukrainian forces before to the Russian offensive. During the build-up to the war, the experts were said to have been pulled out of the nation.

In early March, the British Defence Ministry issued a restriction on active service members travelling to Ukraine, warning that breaking the rule could result in prosecution. Following the Russian attack, Kiev called for volunteers from around the world to join its newly formed “foreign legion.”

Following Ukraine’s failure to execute the provisions of the Minsk agreements made in 2014, and Russia’s subsequent recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, Russia started a large-scale offensive against Ukraine in late February. The Minsk Protocol, negotiated by the Germans and the French, was intended to grant the separatist areas special status within the Ukrainian state.

Since then, Russia has insisted that Ukraine declare itself a neutral country that would never join the NATO military alliance led by the United States. Kiev believes the Russian invasion was unjustified and refutes assertions that it planned to seize the two separatist districts by force.

2 Responses

  1. Certainly an excellent sign of moving towards fair and balanced reporting by Great Game of India. Not at all like the criminal / government enterprise called the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

  2. If they are there, SAS and Delta forces are unlikely to be directly engaged in combat in Ukraine. More likely to be involved in training Ukrainian forces on how to use weapons imported from the West.

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