Denmark provides Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations, like many other countries. But reports reveal that Denmark has finally admitted that vaccinating their children was a mistake on their part.

Denmark Finally Admits Vaccinating children Was A Mistake

A top Danish health authority has stated that immunizations should not have been prescribed for all children aged 5 and up.

Søren Brostrøm, the director general of the Danish Health Authority, told TV 2 that depending on the information that has developed since late 2021, it was incorrect to generally immunize children.

The Omicron form of the virus was then becoming prevalent worldwide, thus it was urged that children aged 5 to 15 get vaccinated.

The virus, also referred to as SARS-CoV-2, induces COVID-19.

“I want to look all parents of children who have vaccinated their child in the eye and say, ‘You did the right thing and thank you for listening,’” Brostrøm said.

“But at the same time—and this is the important thing to maintain confidence—I will admit and say that we have become wiser and we would not do the same today. And we will not do that in the future either,” he added.

Studies on the vaccinations’ effects have revealed that they offer little protection from virus infection. Additionally, research has shown that vaccines do not provide adequate protection against severe disease in youngsters, who are generally at low risk for negative outcomes should they contract the virus.

In accordance with Denmark’s new vaccine strategy, adults should get immunized, while children should receive different prescriptions.

“Children and adolescents only very rarely have a serious course of COVID-19 with the Omicron variant, which is why the offer of primary vaccination for children between 5 and 17 years will not be a general offer, but can be given after specific medical assessment,” authorities said on Wednesday.

At the same time, Brostrøm advised adults to get immunized, and if they had already had a primary series, to obtain a booster. If they had already received a booster, he advised getting another one because Omicron immunity was fading.

He claimed that despite removing vaccination-related limitations, the nation fared well during the pandemic that hit in the winter of 2021. “The strategy for the coming winter is also that the vaccines should get us through a new wave without restriction,” he said in a statement.

Denmark provides Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations, like many other countries. Both have primary series with two doses.

According to the Danish Vaccination Register, as of June 15, around 85% of Danes had received one vaccination shot, about 77 % had received two or three doses, and about 66 % had received four doses.

A little over 40% of kids have had their vaccinations.

One Response

  1. “The virus, also referred to as SARS-CoV-2, induces COVID-19” is a ridiculous statement as no scientist, university or lab worldwide has proven the existence of SARS-CoV-2. If something can’t be proven to exist it is mythical. Why is Denmark and the rest of the world vaccinating people for something that doesn’t exist? What Søren Brostrøm, the director general of the Danish Health Authority, and the rest of the world’s so-called health authorities are doing is by vaccinating adults is leaving a world full of orphans. Or is this the real plan of the NWO?

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