Are Israeli hospitals really overburdened with COVID patients who haven’t been vaccinated? The situation, according to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, is radically different. According to the professor, COVID vaccines cannot protect us from severe illness as we are being told.

Vaccines Cannot Protect Us From Severe COVID Illness Says Prof Yaakov Jerris

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”

Jerris also highlighted some of the ambiguity in case reporting. He addressed ministers at a cabinet meeting on Sunday,“Defining a serious patient is problematic. For example, a patient with a chronic lung disease always had a low level of oxygen, but now he has a positive coronavirus test result which technically makes him a ‘serious coronavirus patient,’ but that’s not accurate. The patient is only in a difficult condition because he has a serious underlying illness.”

On the other hand, vaccinated people account for the majority of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in an Australian state. People who had two vaccinations accounted for roughly three-quarters of ICU patients and COVID deaths.

The British government reports also claim that the children are 52 times more likely to die following COVID vaccine. Mortality rates were even greater among individuals who took two doses of the COVID vaccine in both young age groups.

Meanwhile, the Governor if Iowa has declared that it’s time to treat coronavirus like flu and goes onto end all COVID emergency orders. The lockdown reaction to COVID-19 was mainly unsuccessful at rescuing people from the virus.

Similarly, Swedish authorities have lifted nearly all Covid-19 restrictions and opened up their society. The government will process this request in a swift manner and will also put forward a law proposal to reclassify that Covid is no longer a danger to the society.

One Response

  1. But this will: Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don’t have any soreness at all, when you flush – job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia there too.

    My simple salt water cure, kills all Coronaviruses and viruses, as soon as you think you have an infection, or while self isolating, before the viruses mutate into the disease in your head and body, for which there is no cure.

    I have been doing this simple cure for over 27 years and I am and others never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be either – when your only alternative are those vaccines!!


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