The “Vaccine Induced” documentary tells the story of a man’s COVID jab-induced, phenomenally dangerous illness. In the documentary, Shaun Mulldoon describes how his AstraZeneca shot completely upended his life and his uncritical perception of vaccines.

Vaccine Induced Documentary Tells Story Of Man’s COVID Jab-Induced Phenomenally Dangerous Illness

In an effort to shield kids from a similar destiny, a brief documentary detailing the story of a Canadian man’s life-threatening disease brought on by a vaccination has been made public.

The movie “Vaccine Induced” describes how Shaun Mulldoon’s life and uncritical perspective of “vaccines” were upended after an AstraZeneca jab resulted in a near-death experience and a continuing struggle with potentially fatal blood clots.

Watch the video below:

“It’s the worst mistake I’ve ever made in my life,” Mulldoon confessed in the film. He claimed that he received the AstraZeneca shot with the belief that the medical establishment was looking out for families’ “best interests at heart” when they certified it safe.

Mulldoon stated that the vaccine was more about contributing his “part” to assist end the COVID-19 pandemic than it was about protecting himself. He referenced to the public warning that they would not “get through” the virus unless the “vast majority of the population” had both doses.

“It was like I thought I was going in for a vitamin B12 shot. I absolutely never for a second thought that they’d inject me with something that might potentially kill me, which is exactly what they did,” Mulldoon shared.

About a week after his COVID shot, he felt like his stomach was “in a knot,” which turned into agonizing pain. “It felt like my insides were just being ripped apart inside my body,” Mulldoon described the experience.

Doctors “immediately found a bunch of dead intestine” after doing exploratory surgery at the hospital, and they had to remove nearly two meters of intestine to save his life. Blood clotting was the problem, and eventually, physicians found that his AstraZeneca “vaccine” was to blame.

Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), a condition in which the immune system produces blood clots all throughout the body by developing antibodies to blood platelets, was discovered in Mulldoon.

“VITT is phenomenally dangerous. It’s devastating. It kills you very quickly ,” Mulldoon explained. He said that his body is still manufacturing antibodies a year later, forcing him to combat the ensuing blood clots with short-term therapies such as blood thinners.

The threat to get the shot or lose your job continues to be made to Canadians and others worldwide, including Mulldoon’s own wife, despite the acknowledged risk of life-threatening and crippling sickness and countless accounts of jab-induced death.

Mulldoon recounted that his wife received a letter telling her “to go get a jab or you’re fired,” after he spent several weeks in the ICU due to VITT.

The distribution of AstraZeneca shots was halted in Canada in 2021 due to allegations tying them to blood clots, but the country’s most populous province quickly reinstated it, citing U.K. statistics purportedly demonstrating a “much-reduced risk” of blood clots in subsequent doses.

According to the Associated Press, officials added that they did not want to “waste” the more than 50,000 doses of AstraZeneca that were about to expire at the time.

In reality, the AstraZeneca “vaccine” was linked to so many complaints of potentially and actually fatal blood clots that at least nine nations, including France, Italy, and Germany, stopped offering the vaccinations.

Health Canada released a public advisory in March 2021 disputing the existence of any data linking the AstraZeneca vaccine to unfavorable side effects, despite the fact that the dangers of the shot were widely acknowledged.

“Health Canada is aware of reports of serious adverse events in Europe following immunization with the AstraZeneca vaccine but wants to reassure Canadians that the benefits of the vaccine continue to outweigh its risks. There is currently no indication that the vaccine caused the observed events,” the advisory declared.

According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of the United States, where AstraZeneca is not administered, adverse events, such as death and crippling illness, have not only been reported after the AstraZeneca shot but have also been reported in large numbers following the Pfizer and Moderna shots. As of September 9, 2022, 2,292,751 adverse reactions to vaccines have been documented; the majority of these were submitted between 2021 and 2022.

According to filmmaker Robert Bailey, the timing of the “Vaccine Induced” documentary was influenced by the promotion of COVID shots for young kids. Bailey says he felt “morally compelled” to make the film with “the clock… ticking” and “babies’ injections [on] the way,” according to his film website.

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