Vaccine Passports are not that effective in reducing COVID-19 infection rates, concludes experts in Spain. The study found that vaccine passports have made people fearful and compliant rather than reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Vaccine Passports Have Made People Fearful And Compliant Rather Than Reducing COVID Spread Finds Spanish Study

The study was carried out by Spain’s inter-regional Covid committee. The details were obtained by El Pais and reported on by the Telegraph.

Experts found that the practice of showing vaccination proof to enter venues like restaurants, bars and cinemas “is not reducing levels of transmission.”

“In European countries where [the system] is being used, cases are rising significantly, although it is true that their level of vaccination is much lower than in Spain,” the report states.

Although Spain doesn’t have vaccine passports at the national level, eight out of 17 regions are using a similar system.

The researchers also concluded that vaccine passport schemes “contribute to a false impression that vaccinated people do not get infected,” when in fact “around 40 per cent of those vaccinated are susceptible to infection and transmitting the infection,” the report states.

The only positives of such a scheme are that it “warns people that there is still danger from the pandemic and encourages vaccination uptake among the reticent.”

It can be said that vaccine passports have made people fearful and compliant rather than reducing the spread of COVID-19.

And perhaps that’s the primary goal.

“The findings are similar to evidence found by the UK government – that vaccine passports could increase Covid rates in the country,” writes Ken Macon.

“The government in Wales, UK, also found that, despite introducing vaccine passports, they could not find any evidence that they were working.”

Numerous European countries have imposed vaccine passport schemes to encourage vaccination and to segregate the jabbed from the unjabbed.

At some places, even showing a negative test result is not given any importance, but having a vaccine certificate is the criteria to enter the venues.

Meanwhile, The use of microchip implants on the hand that record COVID certificate status is being advocated for by a Swedish biohacker who also advocates for human augmentation. The implanted chip could be accessed even from a cell phone that has the ability to display a digital COVID certificate.

Recently, in a groundbreaking judgement the Belgian court declared COVID vaccine passport scheme straight out illegal and threatened to fine 5,000 euros per day to the regional government that insisted and imposed it.

Earlier, the French Senate rejacted a socialist senator’s proposal to make the COVID experimental vaccine mandatory for all citizens living in France. Non-compliance would trigger a fine of 135 euro (about $150 USD), and 1,500 euro for re-offenders.

Vaccine Passports Plan

Most of us have heard about ‘Vaccine Passports’ only after the pandemic, when different governments started emphasizing the requirement of ‘Vaccine Passports’ for travelling to other countries or even for going to public places.

However, the planning for executing the concept of ‘Vaccine Passports’ began 20 months prior to the outbreak of the pandemic.

What these roadmap talk about is not just some document that would restrict your entry or movement to certain places. What they envision is an entire COVID eco-system, a future where each and every aspect of your life is monitored and regulated as per the whims and fancy of these Pharma Overlords.

3 Responses

  1. Exactly what many of us stated at the beginning of this plandemic .All for the sake of control and implementing fear in us .OBEY and don’t question !

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