According to new information, the Reddit community WallStreetBets who kickedoff the GameStop surge sparking panic on Wall Street, are now planning to target Bankers who they believe stole their money in the 2008 economic crash with their now accumulated $65 billion war chest.

WallStreetBets Redditors To Target Bankers Who Stole Their Money In 2008 With $65B War Chest
WallStreetBets Redditors To Target Bankers Who Stole Their Money In 2008 With $65B War Chest

The hosts of RT’s Keiser Report, Max and Stacy, look at the ‘revolt of the public’ as ordinary “schmucks” learn Wall Street tricks that deliver an advantage over the rest of the market.

The Reddit crowd knows that the US Federal Reserve can only print money to keep the American economy Ponzi scheme going, says Max. “And that angry Reddit WallStreetBets crowd is going in for a kill.”

He explains: “They know that more free money is coming. Just like the hedge funds on Wall street have banked on bailouts ever since 1987. They were bailed out in 2008, they were bailed out after the dotcom crash, they were bailed out continuously and, as a matter of fact, that bailout continues to this day, in the form of quantitative easing.”’

According to Max, “there’s apparently $65 billion in the war chest of the biggest hedge fund in the world now, which is Reddit and WallStreetBets. So, they’ve got a lot of cash and energy and expertise to go after targets out there that they perceive to have stolen their money in 2008.”

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2 Responses

  1. Antifragility, WallStreetBets and Stalin’s finger:

    I recently made progress in conquering my fear and I was stunningly struck by the similarities in the operation of the human mind during two seemingly unrelated processes. The first process was my recent acts of conquering my fear: My fear of the consequences of speaking the truth. By speaking the truth, I mean emailing outspoken articles about vaccines and global scams to many people. By consequences, I mean possibly being attacked and having my life ruined by anyone who doesn’t like what I am saying, you know the usual characters.

    My process for overcoming my fear is difficult to put into words but I can describe that my frequent struggles must happen in my mind and in my heart and cannot take place anywhere else. My thoughts were, “Should I send this email about the covid vaccine out into the world where it may bring some terrible consequences into my life?” And my very difficult answer was, “Yes, because even though I know my life may be ruined, I truly wish to do God’s will in place of my own and I truly wish to help and protect other people.” With a genuine and deeply felt wish, fear can be conquered – of course at all times with help from God, otherwise it is simply not possible.

    So I actually did conquer my fear waves to zero for varying periods of time and didn’t just….flatten the curve. My life has changed and I am not the same person I was a few weeks ago. I may suffer consequences but now I understand how to free myself from fear and give myself a chance to move forward. By conquering my fear I have retaken control of my life and I can now truly live.

    So it seems that what is happening in the minds of the WallStreetBets investors as they fight the WallStreet criminals is very similar to what is happening in my mind as I conquer my fear. The “harm to others” (HTO) crowd is trying to destroy our financial futures by financially funding financial shorts (stocks), and the HTO crowd is trying to destroy our spiritual futures by spiritually funding spiritual shorts (morals). The HTO group is using negative financial pressure by financial shorting: They financially vote for, approve of and invest in the financial death of the firms they financially short. The HTO group is also using negative spiritual pressure by spiritual shorting: They spiritually vote for, approve of and invest in the spiritual death of the people they spiritually short.

    I think the mind process used by the WallStreetBets investors is very similar if not exactly the same as the mind process used to conquer my fear. The WallStreet criminals try to control our financial investments by controlling our minds. The WallStreet criminals try to control our minds by shorting a firm and then making us fear that we should not invest in that firm and its future because they shorted it. They financially vote for, approve of and invest in the death of that firm, and because they do this then we fear to invest in that firm’s financial future. The WallStreet criminals desperately want to prevent us from realizing that we can control our financial lives by conquering our fear and investing in our financial future.

    The WallStreet criminals also try to control our spiritual investments and spiritual futures by controlling our minds. The WallStreet criminals short our moral traditions and then we fear that we should not invest in our moral future because they shorted it. They spiritually vote for, approve of and invest in the death of our moral values, and because they did this then we fear to invest in our moral futures. What is the fight between the WallStreet criminals and the MainStreet investors really about? Stock price? Financial valuation? The fight is really about conquering our fear and retaking control of our lives. The WallStreet criminals want us to fear, and they want that fear to prevent us from retaking control of our lives.

    The WallStreet criminals want WallStreetBets to die so they short it. The MainStreet investors want WallStreetBets to live so they invest in it. The HellStreet criminals want our spirits to die so they spiritually short us. We The People want our spirits to live so we spiritually invest in us.

    At this time I would like to suggest that the WallStreet financial criminals may be fraudulently altering the results of our stock exchange just as the PennStreet criminals are fraudulently altering the results of our political exchange. What is the exact electronic and mechanical mechanism by which the numbers which represent stock prices are determined and changed on the NYSE boards? I believe that our stock prices may be being fraudulently altered in the stock exchange machines by the WallStreet criminals, just as our votes are being fraudulently altered in the voting machines by the PennStreet criminals – in other words by Stalin’s finger: The counters are determining the outcome, not the voters.

    I think the WallStreet criminals are shorting the living financial futures of our financial “people” (companies) by making us fear and by fraudulently altering financial voting transactions inside our financial voting machines (stock exchanges). I think the PennStreet criminals are shorting the living political futures of our political “people” (fed, states, counties, parishes, cities) by making us fear and by fraudulently altering political voting transactions inside our political voting machines (election voting machines). I think the HellStreet criminals are shorting the living spiritual futures of our spiritual “people” (souls) by making us fear and by fraudulently altering spiritual voting transactions inside our spiritual voting machines (human minds).

    We need to conquer our fear and control the exact process of financially voting: Our financial lives and financial futures depend on it. We need to conquer our fear and control the exact process of politically voting: Our political lives and political futures depend on it. And we need to conquer our fear and control the exact process of spiritually voting: Our spiritual lives and spiritual futures depend on it.

    The mind process seems the same in each case. We cannot make real progress until we can have a thought in our minds without also having a fear in our hearts. We cannot make real progress until we conquer our fear. We cannot make real progress until we take financial, political and moral responsibility for our own futures and fiercely cooperate with others doing the same. Our moral courage is antifragile: Our moral courage gets stronger when it is stressed. So stress your moral courage and seek God with all your heart. Conquer your fear, retake control of your life and retake control of your living future.

  2. The Last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), said, “When good people go-to sleep evil will spread”. I agree with you, and I have been speaking about criminals on wall street for over 20 years. Speak the Truth. Truth will liberate humanity.

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