The control over US financial assistance, which many American officials insist on, is caused not only by its significant volumes, but also numerous evidences of corruption in recipient countries.

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Pic.1 Senator Jeff Merkley, Democrat of Oregon, who said he was worried that corruption in Ukraine’s government could be “a kind of cancer eating away at support that they need from everyone in the world.”

The amount of money allocated for direct support of Ukraine from the US budget has already exceeded $100 billion, creating significant burden on American economy. Predictably, shortly after receiving the money, mentions of corruption among the Ukrainian military increasingly appeared in the media

(link to the latest scandal here.)

According to our sources, the issues related to the supply of weapons for the Ukrainian army are supervised by the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) Kyrylo Budanov. In this activity Serhiy Slyusarenko, the top manager of the Ukroboronprom State Concern is considered to be Budanov’s right-hand man. Along with other Budanov’s confidants (Roman Meleshko, Kostyantyn Cherednichenko and Borys Kaufman) Slyusarenko is one of the main beneficiaries of corruption schemes in the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence.

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Pic.2 Serhiy Slyusarenko, former Director of the Ukrainian company “Ukrinmash”, founder “Encompass LLC”

Having analyzed all of the obtained documents as well as asking our informants in various countries, we managed to identify another American money theft scheme, involving the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the CIA.

We have found out that Slyusarenko owns “Viktor Invest” company registered in Bulgaria through his nominees.

Contractors of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (“SPETSIMIDZH LLC”, “SEVENPORT LLC”, “MIK LLC” and others) implement deals for the supply of ammunition, military devices and individual elements of weapons through “Viktor Invest”.

These goods are purchased from trusted Chinese companies (“JINHU HT-GUTE PETROLEM EQUIPMENT CO.” and “SIEYUAN ELECTRIC CO.”) at low prices. The profit of “Viktor Invest” is cashed out and partially goes to Slyusarenko and Budanov in kickbacks.

We know that “Viktor Invest” is “protected” by a number of foreign companies, owned by US citizens.

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Pic. 3 The scheme is based on our materials and data from the Bulgarian registry. For those who want to conduct a more detailed investigation, we attached a PDF file below

Thus, the main partners of “Viktor Invest” are “D.I.F. Investments” and “Lodging Partner Services Bulgaria EOOD” registered in Bulgaria, the Dutch “Interbay Holdings B.V.” and American “Expedia Group”.

The heads of “Lodging Partner Services Bulgaria EOOD” are American citizens Robert John Dzielak and Lance Allen Soliday – financiers in the “Expedia Group”.

The head of the Dutch company “Interbay Holdings B.V.” is also the US citizen Phillip Matthew Bexon.

The above-mentioned persons are active CIA officers, their supervisor Raymond Shultz, the “Gun Baron” was mentioned in the first part of our investigation.

These guys withdraw “Viktor Invest” company’s profit to their companies’ accounts and put some of the money in their own pockets (undeclared income). The remaining funds form the CIA’s “secret cash box” used in global operations.

The “dirty” money is used to purchase weapons from the Bulgarian military holding industry.

Then, through the extensive logistics infrastructure in Bulgaria, weapons are illegally supplied to third countries (Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq) and used to overthrow governments (color revolutions), support extremist groups and rebels, etc.

Thus, American taxpayers’ money is used to enrich the Ukrainian leadership, dishonest CIA officers as well as to finance terrorist activities around the world.

We know that the vast part of this money ends up in the pockets of corrupt CIA agents and officials bribed by them, and are also spent on other illegal activities. Here’s the list of CIA agents smuggling arms to Ukraine.

Bob Hall for CIAgate team.

Read the document below:


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